This Teacher Kept It Real With Parents Who Baby Their Children

And the internet couldn't agree more!

This Teacher Kept It Real With Parents Who Baby Their Children

When it comes to difficult jobs, teaching is not one that most people think of. However, it is, without a doubt, one of the most difficult jobs there is in the world. Molding young minds and being responsible for students day in and day out, during their best times and their worst times, in large quantities is not exactly for the faint of heart. Patience, dedication, and understanding are vital skills that teachers must possess to get through their day alive. One teacher from Richmond, Utah has hit the point of no return and is considering leaving the teaching profession behind for good due in part to the blatant disrespect and misbehavior she deals with in her classroom daily. 

The teacher, Julie Marburger, took her frustrations to Facebook and shared with the world what goes on in her classroom on a regular basis and also tell parents how much damage their enabling behaviors actually do to their children. The post has struck home with a large number of people and this has caused it to go viral. 

Marburger's post tells the story of this particular day in her classroom during which she had to leave early for the day after being harassed by a student's parent. She noted, “Parents have become far too disrespectful, and their children are even worse. Administration always seems to err on the side of keeping the parent happy, which leaves me with no way to do the job I was hired to do…teach kids.” She went on, “I am including photos that I took in my classroom over the past two days. This is how my classroom regularly looks after my students spend all day there."

Marburger Shared This Picture of Her Classroom Library

After the students practically destroyed it and left the mess for her to clean upMarburger Shared This Picture of Her Classroom LibraryFacebook

More Destruction on Behalf of the Students

UnbelievableMore Destruction on Behalf of the StudentsFacebook

The Students Throw Their iPads Wherever They Please

Which is maddening as schools are already so underfundedThe Students Throw Their iPads Wherever They PleaseFacebook

Marburger Went On to Explain Why She Was So Fed Up

And rightfully so!Marburger Went On to Explain Why She Was So Fed UpFacebook

She Expressed Her Heartbreak For What Was Happening

But she couldn't deny it any longerShe Expressed Her Heartbreak For What Was HappeningFacebook

Marburger notes, “I am a woman of faith and have been quite reflective this week on the good that I can bring to this world because of this experience. I have decided to (as soon as feasible) start blogging my feelings on all of the above and hope many of you will join me in the discussion. If we all work together, we can make the changes we need for our collective success.” 

She serves as both a reminder and inspiration that the education system in this country is in need of serious change. 

She Remains Hopeful That Things Will Change

It seems as though there is no other choiceShe Remains Hopeful That Things Will ChangeFacebook

A study by the Center for Education Reform reported these shocking statistics, “The U.S. ranks: 27th in math, 17th in reading, and 20th in science. The U.S. spends more per student than other countries on education, but that spending does not translate into better performance.” Unfortunately, this pairs with the behavior issues that Marburger is so fed up with. Hopefully, her post can inspire some major changes to be made in the education system. 
