Teacher Refused To Let Her Student Go To The Toilet For No Reason And Disciplined Him When He Went Anyways

“He looked at me confused and left anyways. I was in disbelief.”

Teacher Refused To Let Her Student Go To The Toilet For No Reason And Disciplined Him When He Went Anyways

Each person has a negative story about a teacher from their childhood. Unfortunately, some teachers abuse their power and position and cause students to have traumatic experiences that last a lifetime.

Students allow their teachers to get away with some actions that seem perfectly unreasonable because they are adults and must know better. When no one calls you out on your negative, unfair behavior, you will never feel like you need to change. 

Most students feel powerless, especially when dealing with their teachers, and defending yourself can lead to terrible consequences. That's why most prefer ignoring the problem instead of facing it.

A Redditor who goes by the username u/notmystyle223 made a post on the r/AmItheAhole subReddit where she explained how she attempted to discipline a student after going to the restroom even though she disallowed him to do so. Everyone sided against the Redditor for how she behaved, including her husband, which made her doubt how she dealt with the situation, so decided to consult with the Reddit community. 

The Reddit community had a lot of different reactions to the user's post. Scroll down to check out the full Reddit post, and scroll a little further to read the comments from the original post. 

Here's the original post by Reddit user u/notmystyle223:

Here's the original post by Reddit user u/notmystyle223:Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

OP considered the student's behavior 'disobedience' and called his mother.

OP considered the student's behavior 'disobedience' and called his mother.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Op was confused that everyone was siding against her, so she decided to consult with the Reddit community.

Op was confused that everyone was siding against her, so she decided to consult with the Reddit community.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Here's how the Reddit community reacted to u/notmystyle223's post:

Here's how the Reddit community reacted to u/notmystyle223's post:Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

That call was completely unnecessary.

That call was completely unnecessary.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

There are only a few scenarios where a student wouldn't be allowed out.

There are only a few scenarios where a student wouldn't be allowed out.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Some teachers are not reasonable at all.

Some teachers are not reasonable at all.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Teachers are known for this kind of behavior.

Teachers are known for this kind of behavior.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

How could anyone be this cruel?

How could anyone be this cruel?Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

OP didn't have a reason to behave the way she did.

OP didn't have a reason to behave the way she did.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

“This reads that you denied him just cause you don't like him.”

“This reads that you denied him just cause you don't like him.”Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

She would probably ignore the Reddit community's feedback as well.

She would probably ignore the Reddit community's feedback as well.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

A teacher acting 'petty' can have serious health consequences.

A teacher acting 'petty' can have serious health consequences.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

If a policy doesn't make sense, it should be changed.

If a policy doesn't make sense, it should be changed.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Op shouldn't allow her emotions to control her actions.

Op shouldn't allow her emotions to control her actions.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Teachers like OP are usually hated by their students.

Teachers like OP are usually hated by their students.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

“Obviously, you aren’t the type who genuinely cares and wants to help.”

“Obviously, you aren’t the type who genuinely cares and wants to help.”Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

OP was simply flexing her 'powers' on the student.

OP was simply flexing her 'powers' on the student.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

It's a little too late to change that.

It's a little too late to change that.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

“It reads as you really refused because you don't like the kid.”

“It reads as you really refused because you don't like the kid.”Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Sometimes bathrooms are too crowded, and students don't have enough time.

Sometimes bathrooms are too crowded, and students don't have enough time.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

OP didn't have a valid reason for disallowing her student to go to the restroom. She put herself in a no-win situation, especially after trying to 'discipline' the student by calling his mother.

There's a reason why everyone sided against her, and posting it on Reddit won't change that. If you enjoyed reading this, make sure to share it with your friends and check out similar content on our platform.
