Say Hello To These Relatable And Amusing Voice-Changing Dog Parents

Please don’t ask how we know, but when you get a dog, your voice-changing abilities kick in.

  • Published in Animals
Say Hello To These Relatable And Amusing Voice-Changing Dog Parents

If you own a dog or you’ve ever owned one, you will understand how these canines can change your entire life. Despite this, they are not satisfied, so they change your voice too.

You may often find your voice becoming high-pitched when speaking to your dog. It is normal, and many dog parents can relate to this. It is so common; that people coined it “Dog Talk.”

Researchers have discovered that how humans speak to dogs is just as significant as what they say. Emily Bray, a University of Pennsylvania doctorate candidate in psychology, revealed that dogs can determine from the pitch and tone of people's voices which ones would be generous with affection or rewards and which ones will be stingy. 

If you thought your canine couldn't get any more fascinating, get this. The higher the pitch, the friendlier a dog will believe you to be. 

To further prove that this is true, here is a Reddit thread that features a tweet from @juliagalef. This user posted about an exchange she had with a dog, and it's absolutely fascinating.

We've compiled some of the best comments on her post. They were both hilarious and heartwarming — the right mix of wholesomeness you need for your day.

Scroll down to get your daily dose of the sweetness and pawsitivity only dogs can offer.

For more info: Reddit | Twitter

Julia tweeted about an interesting experience she had with someone's dog

Julia tweeted about an interesting experience she had with someone's dog@juliagalef

It wasn't long before other users started sharing their personal experiences about talking to dogs.

1. Only dog lovers will understand

Dogs are the best to have conversations with.

1. Only dog lovers will understandu/ZeppoBro

2. Meet this talented voice chef

She’ll cook up any voice you want on demand.2. Meet this talented voice chefu/pegothejerk

3. It’s not the same without "the voice"

We shouldn’t have to ask. Just use it, Paul!

3. It’s not the same without u/Zealousideal-Toe9022

4. It’s an art

If you're dedicated, you can become a master of the doggy voice.

4. It’s an artu/pegothejerk

5. What’s more fun than improv?

Having a dog! Imagine having both? That’s what we call life-changing!

5. What’s more fun than improv?u/ZeppoBro

6. If talking to your dog in a high-pichted tone is crazy, then we’re all super crazy

6. If talking to your dog in a high-pichted tone is crazy, then we’re all super crazyu/logicalfallacy0270

7. Some dog walking fun

There’s nothing more satisfying than this

7. Some dog walking funu/RamenNoodles620

8. We’ll accommodate the cats this time and this time only

We’re cool like that.

8. We’ll accommodate the cats this time and this time onlyu/Cubbance

9. A risk well worth taking

What happens when you put your dog’s happiness first.

9. A risk well worth takingu/logicalfallacy0270

10. A new addition

We’re so excited for you too.

10. A new additionu/SpeechlessMaly

11. Proof that your dog understands you.

Speak to your pup today!

11. Proof that your dog understands you.u/Jayer244

12. Smart little cutie

She knows what she wants, and we respect that.

12. Smart little cutieu/OsmerusMordax

13. Great advice

It would help if every dog owner could do this.

13. Great adviceu/a_spoopy_ghost

14. Genius dog

This is super adorable. Don’t you agree?

14. Genius dogu/ThisCommentEarnedMe

15. This little spinner

This is such an intelligent way to communicate.

15. This little spinneru/Yoshpot

After reading this, you've most likely figured that not only do dog parents change their voices to talk to their dogs, but the dogs understand them and even respond. How fascinating is that?

Whenever you think dogs can’t get any cooler, they surprise you with a new unique quirk. 

Do you have any dogs talking stories? Don’t hesitate to share it with us in the comment section!
