Tacky Wedding RSVP That Offers Better Meals For Guests With Expensive Gifts Gets Ridiculed Online, Couple Backtracks And Claims It’s Joke

"This can’t be real... no one is that awful.. right?"

Tacky Wedding RSVP That Offers Better Meals For Guests With Expensive Gifts Gets Ridiculed Online, Couple Backtracks And Claims It’s Joke

An unknown couple was ridiculed online for the RSVP they sent out to their guests. Online groups and several subreddits discussed their disbelief about the couple's hierarchic meal selection.

The couple offered their guests several meal options they could choose from based on the monetary value of their gift. The more generous their guests were, the better their meals would be at the wedding.

The choice between roast chicken and swordfish was reserved for guests at the "Loving Gift" tier. Guests whose gift was priced at $250 at most fell under this category.

Guests whose gifts ranged from $251 to $500 could choose to have sliced steak, poached salmon, or the meals offered at the first tier. Gifts at this price point belonged to the "Silver Gift."

To qualify for filet mignon, lobster tails, and those offered at the lower tiers, guests must give the couple a "Golden Gift." Those in this category spent $501 to $1,000 for their wedding gift.

Guests who spent $1,000 and above would get the prime meal selections and a commemorative champagne goblet. The 2 lb. lobster and meal options from the former categories were reserved for the most generous guests.

Vegetarian and kosher meals were automatically placed in the "Platinum Gift" tier. Their guests with dietary restrictions had no other choice but to be generous.

It would be priceless to see the face of someone who was invited to this event.

It would be priceless to see the face of someone who was invited to this event.u/B3astD3rp69

Would you still feel honored to be invited?

Would you still feel honored to be invited?Seliphra

The vegetarian meal would probably be a basic salad. Money well spent.

The vegetarian meal would probably be a basic salad. Money well spent.Reddit

For $1k, that lobster better be related to Sebastian.

For $1k, that lobster better be related to Sebastian.MPBoomBoom22

"It was painted by my dog. He held the brush in his mouth. It's a rare piece, therefore expensive. Some would even say priceless."

Ok_Clock_8658, nintendoc6

There are loopholes to this RSVP where guests could really get their money's worth.

There are loopholes to this RSVP where guests could really get their money's worth.No-Marzipan19

They didn't set a lower price that could make guests avail of the roast chicken or swordfish.

They didn't set a lower price that could make guests avail of the roast chicken or swordfish.FlashOfTheBlade77, wunderduck, Reddit

Does limiting vegetarian and kosher meals to the platinum level give off that impression?

Does limiting vegetarian and kosher meals to the platinum level give off that impression?gesasage88

The RSVP is all equal levels of bad. It was the perfect way to alienate their guests.

The RSVP is all equal levels of bad. It was the perfect way to alienate their guests.phoenixwaller

How would they even check if the responses to the RSVP were accurate as to the prices of the gifts? Are their wedding guests required to bring receipts?

How would they even check if the responses to the RSVP were accurate as to the prices of the gifts? Are their wedding guests required to bring receipts?Reddit

Is it possible that this tacky RSVP is for a fundraiser or a charity gala?

Is it possible that this tacky RSVP is for a fundraiser or a charity gala?steel_otter

It would make more sense if that were the case. The people who attend those events could probably afford the platinum tier.

It would make more sense if that were the case. The people who attend those events could probably afford the platinum tier.averagebearymcbear

People hoped that this was for a fancy charity event. The tackiness could be overlooked if it would benefit a well-deserving cause.

People hoped that this was for a fancy charity event. The tackiness could be overlooked if it would benefit a well-deserving cause.Reddit

Unfortunately, the original blog that shared the photo of the RSVP clearly stated it was for a wedding.

Unfortunately, the original blog that shared the photo of the RSVP clearly stated it was for a wedding.PatatietPatata

The couple who sent out the RSVP said it was a joke after their invitation was poorly received online.

The couple who sent out the RSVP said it was a joke after their invitation was poorly received online.PatatietPatata

The RSVP was not well-received by the original Facebook group it was posted to. The r/ChoosingBeggars and r/weddingshaming communities found endless reasons to laugh and deride the tacky invitation.

Some vowed to bring fast-food takeouts and prepared meals if they were invited to this kind of event. It would be an event worth attending to see the faces of the other annoyed guests.
