Top 50 Of The Most Intriguing And Surprising Facts About The World That Will Leave You Astounded
Prepare to be mindblown in delightful and incredible ways.

People love facts because they make them feel smart. Being attracted to the notion of having knowledge that is irrefutable and unchanging is something that anyone can look up to.
The Oxford dictionary defines a fact as "a piece of information that is considered to be true." Facts make people feel like they are in control of their lives and their world.
In addition, it is part of human nature to want to understand the world around them, and what better way to do that than gathering information? Considering that there is so much of the world that is still unexplored, it is always fascinating to learn new things about it.
Did you know that a walk in the woods will help in reducing the risks of cancer? It is called "Forest bathing" which is found in Japan and is currently becoming popular across the world!
Surprised by this information? It is just one of the thousands of interesting and mind-blowing facts shared by an Instagram account named WTF Fun Facts which currently has 681K followers. They also have their own website where they post random facts every day and you can definitely learn a lot from them, so scroll down and check out some of these amazing facts!
1. Both 111 and 7 weeks felt the same.

2. Practice makes perfect!

3. Wow!

4. A wonderful coincidence!

5. They are real heroes!

6. Maya Lin, an undergraduate at Yale University at that time.

7. Serendipity on Spotify.

8. Look at that shiny thing!

9. A true Olympian.

10. "It's as if the orangutan knew he needed a good picture."

11. The dog is her guardian angel.

12. "Where is the Hollywood film about this man?"

13. It's a sad realization.

14. Poor little sloth.

15. A gorgeous place with amazing people and history.

16. The restaurant has Sammy's seal of approval.


18. What a great spirit!

19. Proof that the poor empathize much more deeply.

20. Did anybody counted how many were conceived?

21. Congratulations!

22. These lions had great maternal instinct.

23. "If only people would visit those museums as frequent as Starbucks and McDonald’s."

24. These are the kind of bombs that the world needs.

25. "Sometimes you have to make your own fun."


27. "That got dark real quick."

28. Humanity lost a treasure when he passed.

29. Although healthcare is free in the UK, his treatment wasn't available there so he needed to raise funds.

30. Politicians? Hmmm.

31. "The list was made during a trip by one man."

32. Nice.

33. "When they said long live the Queen, she understood the assignment."

34. Got to take note of this as a life hack.

35. "Proof that the secret life of pets is 100% non-fiction."

36. You might need a new lawnmower.

37. True love is brave and honest.

38. Humans are the pets for elephants.

39. Thank you for this mushroom's service.

40. "Until death do us part" didn't apply to them for they pass away together.

41. "People always judge other people by what they themselves do or can't do."

42. Who wouldn't have an urge to hug this cute creature?

43. More of a painful fact.

44. This is definitely fun!

45. "When you love a being, you don't even think, you just act."

46. Cleo just knew.

47. Technically, they are not wrong.

48. Storytime about Stanford University.

49. The cat looks like the puuurprietor.

50. Hoping that there is a Vasili for 2022.

Not all information is true and worth knowing and that is where facts come in, so you should be able to identify reliable facts from made-up ones. Also, since humans are naturally curious, it would not hurt to feed this curiousness with something that will be helpful in the future.
Do you know some interesting facts that others might not be aware of? Like this story and share your thoughts in the comment section!
