This Artist Makes Superheroes Look Even More Amazing

Look out - super superheroes are coming…

This Artist Makes Superheroes Look Even More Amazing

Comic books enable us to enter different worlds and sometimes inspire us to tweak those words a little bit. But, unfortunately, only the lucky few actually have the gift and skills to pull it off.

Carlos Idrobo from Colombia is one of those people. He modestly claims he is a hobbyist, but that phrase doesn’t do justice to his artistic skills.

Through his fan art, he recreates popular comic books characters in unusual situations and sparks our imagination. We are sorry that he doesn’t create whole stories because they would probably be great. We've made a list of 15 of his best illustrations, and we know you are going to love them.

1. "Batman on fire"

1. carlosidrobo

2. "Batman cover"

2. carlosidrobo

3. "JLA cover"

3. carlosidrobo

4. "Wonder Woman cover"

4. carlosidrobo

5. "The new Supergirl"

5. carlosidrobo

6. "JLA Apocalypse War"

6. carlosidrobo

7. "Cap 80th anniversary"

7. carlosidrobo

8. "The Punisher on fire"

8. carlosidrobo

9. "Hal Jordan"

9. carlosidrobo

10. "The Joker"

10. carlosidrobo

11. "Spiderman: Far From Home "

11. carlosidrobo

12. "Aquaman"

12. carlosidrobo

13. "The Flash"

13. carlosidrobo

14. "Superman Red Son"

14. carlosidrobo

15. "Superman 1978 homage"

"Carlos is a huge Superman fan, and not just the comics: "Introduce my version of the most iconic scene from Donner's 1978 Superman film. This is the Kryptonian I knew during my childhood. In my heart, Christopher Reeve will be Superman forever."

15. carlosidrobo

Carlos regularly publishes his work on his Instagram account. You can also see videos of his artistic process on his YouTube channel.
