Student's Big Mouth Leads To The Professor She Slept With Getting Fired, Feels Guilty About It Later On

"I promised him discretion & betrayed that trust"

Student's Big Mouth Leads To The Professor She Slept With Getting Fired, Feels Guilty About It Later On

Dating sites are not a new thing. People sign up, find a match, meet up, and probably things can kick off from there.

The narrator of today's story saw a guy on a dating app who she recognized as a professor at her university. He was a first-year teacher, so they were relatively close in age, and the OP had never had a class with him.

Both still interested, we decided to meet to talk about expectations & make sure we were on the same page. Neither of us were interested in anything more than a hook up, & we openly talked about boundaries regarding sex. We were both vibing the other, so we decided to hook up. It was 100 percent consensual on both ends.

The OP confided in some close friends about it. According to the OP, these friends would be supportive even though she promised she wouldn't tell anyone, but somehow it got out.

The OP was summoned to the office of a dean, who informed her of an anonymous report that she slept with a professor. The OP was brought in to make sure she was okay and that she wasn't forced into anything.

The OP clarified to the dean that it was entirely consensual, as she had weighed all of the pros and cons before deciding. Still, the professor was fired, and the OP wants to know if it's also her fault.

Read the full story below before you decide.

The OP pens down the headline

The OP pens down the headlineu/throw_it_away_now999

Neither of the OP nor the professor were interested in anything more than a hook up

Neither of the OP nor the professor were interested in anything more than a hook upu/throw_it_away_now999

OP's relieved and also shocked to know her university is taking reports like this

OP's relieved and also shocked to know her university is taking reports like thisu/throw_it_away_now999

OP and her friends are almost certain this means the professor has been fired

OP and her friends are almost certain this means the professor has been firedu/throw_it_away_now999

The OP added this edit for further clarification

If I had to guess, the friends I confided in were drunk and told people. I'm not upset with them because I made the gamble in telling them. Before I told them, I looked online everywhere I could to try to find rules regarding professors and students, and I couldn't. I found nothing in any handbook saying it was against university policy, so when I told them, I didn't think there was a risk of him getting in trouble.

And the comments from other Redditors roll in...

And the comments from other Redditors roll in...u/throw_it_away_now999

The OP's the AH for breaking her promise

The OP's the AH for breaking her promiseu/throw_it_away_now999

The OP chose to confide in her friends

The OP chose to confide in her friendsu/throw_it_away_now999

It means the OP can't keep a secret

It means the OP can't keep a secretu/throw_it_away_now999

The OP should have kept her mouth shut

The OP should have kept her mouth shutu/throw_it_away_now999

The OP did not keep her word

The OP did not keep her wordu/throw_it_away_now999

The OP shouldn't have said anything

The OP shouldn't have said anythingu/throw_it_away_now999

The OP didn't force him to do anything

The OP didn't force him to do anythingu/throw_it_away_now999

Some Redditors say that it's possible that the administration took advantage of the professor being young and his first-year status. After all, it stands to reason that the closer a person is to students in age, the more aggressively they should set professional boundaries.

Redditors dropped their verdicts, and it was declared that everyone in the story sucked. Leave your own verdict in the comments section below.
