Student Removes Leggings In Principal's Office To Demonstrate Dress Code Compliance
The principal wanted to call her strict parents and she was more scared of them than getting detention

Her fear of her strict parents' unfair punishment forced a then-high school student to think quickly on her feet. The OP was a meek kid raised by rigid parents.
Getting in trouble at school was never an option because her parents would have found it unacceptable. OP was well-liked by her teachers as she was a good student.
OP's strict parents didn't just police her behavior, they monitored her school clothes as well. They inspected her outfits daily and only allowed her to leave home if she passed their standards for modesty.
Her parents underestimated a teen's need to fit in with their peers. OP wanted to follow the same trends as her schoolmates.
She found a way to make her parents accept her distressed jeans. She wore leggings underneath the jeans, which her conservative parents approved of.
OP's regular school outfit was composed of a distressed jeans + leggings combo underneath a knee-length skirt. Some of her schoolmates wore mini-skirts and just leggings.
Their mini-skirts were against their school's dress code. The administrators then prohibited their female students from wearing leggings underneath their skirts.
OP thought her knee-length skirt and leggings combo were safe. Her skirts were actually long enough to be worn by themselves without triggering the dress code.
She kept wearing her denim knee-length skirt and leggings. Her parents weren't aware of the new dress code and she was dressed modestly enough to pass their daily inspections.

Her first subject teacher said nothing about OP's outfit. Another teacher who spotted her out in the hallway found an issue with it and dragged OP to the principal's office.

OP thought that she and the principal would laugh about the strict teacher, but she was wrong. The principal was fuming and said he would have to call her parents.

She would get in a lot of trouble if her parents were made aware that she violated a school rule. OP tried to argue with the principal that her skirt was actually within the school-approved length.

The principal kept looking for her parents' contact information. OP had to think fast. She removed her leggings and shoved them in her bag. She was now only wearing a school-approved skirt.

The principal stared at her, shocked. He turned red and yelled at her to go back to class.

OP feared her parents more than the school principal

The kind of childhood she had at home shaped the relationship she has with her parents now that she is an adult

OP almost gave the principal a conniption when she removed those leggings

That man saw the camera flash from a mug shot as soon as he realized what OP was doing

That teacher just wanted to flex her power. Wonder how she reacted when she found out what OP did.

OP's education truly started at home

It was a mixture of anger, embarrassment, and fear for sure

Adults really underestimate the wit of teenagers

If only OP's school were this wise, they wouldn't have an issue

By the way, OP's parents never found out about the incident. The principal was so shocked by what OP did that he forgot he planned to call her parents.
OP must have felt triumphant after successfully circumventing that dress code. It was her first act of rebellion against her parents and teachers — authority figures she wanted to approve of her.
