This High School Allows Students To Dress Up In Costume For Their Student ID Cards
What may have started out as a crazy idea has now become a school tradition.

Students at a high school in North Farmington High School in Detroit, Michigan don't have to suffer through the boring old bland photos for their student identification cards. Instead, their school has allowed them to dress up in all sorts of costumes in order to express their individuality, and have a little bit of fun. This has now become a tradition throughout their school as seniors reveal their most outrageous impersonations of television characters and celebrities.
Instead of taking 'normal' cheesy photos with terrible hairdos, we're able to take a glimpse into their real personalities by what makes them laugh or simply which movies or television shows are their favorites based on the character that they have chosen. Diversity is fun and this school is awesome for allowing their students to express themselves with no fear.
There's a snake in my boots.

One of the best.

McLovin, at your service.

Akeem seems legit.

You're saying it wrong.


On point.

No ragrets.



Owww *dabs*

Trout pout on point.

A historic icon.

Not quite, but almost.


Yes.. yes, that's exactly what I do.

Daddy, is that you?

Channeling her inner troll.

Wubba lubba dub dubs!


I remember this girl.
Wasn't she on the Ellen DeGeneres show thanks to her failure?

80s-90s babies for life.

Who would say no to a bagel?
Not me.
Judge Judy. A national icon.

Timmy is an average kid.

Pixie dust makes everything better.

Oh my God, it's Alex!

Nasty Grinch


It's a newt.

Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam.

On point.

Training?! But I've never had any training!

Truly outrageous!

I thought she was channeling John Travolta for a second.

The resemblance is uncanny.

Sid, our favorite villain.

Urkle was the best.



I think she dyed her hair just for this.
And I'm loving it.

This one is almost exactly the same.

I think this is the winner.

Brothers for life.

I remember these guys.

Nice wig.



To the invisible boat mobile!
