Stray Dog Gets Touched By A Stranger's Kind Deed And Cries Tears Of Joy

The stranger came when the dog needed her the most.

Stray Dog Gets Touched By A Stranger's Kind Deed And Cries Tears Of Joy

We know for a fact that dogs experience emotions. We've seen them looking lonely with a wistful expression and eyes that seem to tear at any minute.

It's true that dogs experience grief and sadness. But remember that the cause of those tears isn't the same as us humans.

Dogs, just like us, have tear ducts. They work by keeping the eyes free of debris and comfortable at the same time.

Even if these dogs don't cry as we do, they have their own ways of expressing their sadness. From the time they're born, they learn to cry as a signal that they need to receive comfort, safety, and nourishment.

Puppies will cry out to their moms whenever they feel cold, lonely, or hungry. Once they grow up, they learn to whimper or whine when they feel that they're far away from their owners and canine friends.

Their emotions are reactions to what's happening to them and their surrounding environment. That's why it can be hard to directly compare our emotions and reactions with theirs.

Still, there will always be instances where dogs act like humans. For instance, this canine that we're looking at today.

The heartbreaking video of a stray dog shedding tears of joy was caught on camera. Then it was uploaded on Douyin (think of it as TikTok in China) for all people to see.

The poor dog was searching for food. He roamed around the Jinzhong streets, which is in Shanxi province in China.

A woman with a big heart approached the poor puppy.

The hungry canine stood on his back legs, asking for food. The stranger gives him some food, then the dog starts tearing up.

A woman with a big heart approached the poor puppy.Douyin/xiaoxiangchenbao

The woman's kindness did not end there.

She kept going to the same spot to check the poor dog's condition. The dog sees her once again and immediately approaches the woman to greet her.

Once again, tears welled up in his eyes. He was given food once again.

The woman's kindness did not end there.Douyin/xiaoxiangchenbao

The warmhearted woman tried to take the dog home so that she could better take care of him. See the entire video below.

She was hanging out with friends when she saw the stray. According to her, the dog started crying when she gave him something to eat.

The woman tried to get the dog to come with her. But he refused by jumping out of the car.

The woman tried looking for the poor creature but she couldn't find him.

She wanted to try asking the street cleaners if they saw him. After the video of the crying dog was shared online, it went viral.

People who watched the video became concerned as well. They hoped that he would safely return.

One user was concerned, wishing that the dog didn't snatch away. Wherever the mystery dog is, everyone hopes that he's safe.

Everyone loves a story like this. It shows us that the world isn't a cruel place.

There are humans willing to lend a hand whenever someone needs help. At the same time, it is so touching to see how dogs appreciate these simple deeds.
