As they say, food is the true way to a person's heart. And we're not here to go against that.
In fact, we wholeheartedly agree. It's just that some people are harder to please than others.
While some people would be pretty happy with their mom's lemon meringue recipe, others expect something a little more otherworldly to suit their tastes. Sometimes, the food they want only exists in their own personal cookbooks and nowhere else.
And that's fine. After all, everyone has different tastes, right?
What's not fine is when they expect every restaurant out there to have their special dish or when they expect every restaurant out there to bow down to their special request.
If you haven't worked in the food industry, you might be thinking, "What kind of food could people be ordering that's just so bad?" To help answer that question, Redditor u/Graceful_Swan_Ronson asked, "Waiters/ waitresses of Reddit, what's the most ridiculous request you've gotten from a customer at your restaurant?"
And oh, the answers are pretty mind-boggling. Some are just your plain gross weird food preference and others are just downright disgusting.
We don't even know how people can shove those foods into their mouths. But, you be the judge of that.
Here are some of the best answers on the thread:
First of all, why? And second, why in the world would you allow your kid to eat that much ranch?
People should be able to eat whatever makes them happy with no one judging alright. But seriously, how can you not judge how preposterous some of these orders are, especially with the way the people ordered them?
For now, we'll just say we'll learn to live with our differences once again especially when it comes to food. We have to so we won't have nightmares about those dishes.