28 Of The Strangest Food Orders Restaurant Workers Have Ever Received That Will Make You Wonder What Went Wrong
Some of these orders have made us lose a tiny bit of faith in humanity.

As they say, food is the true way to a person's heart. And we're not here to go against that.
In fact, we wholeheartedly agree. It's just that some people are harder to please than others.
While some people would be pretty happy with their mom's lemon meringue recipe, others expect something a little more otherworldly to suit their tastes. Sometimes, the food they want only exists in their own personal cookbooks and nowhere else.
And that's fine. After all, everyone has different tastes, right?
What's not fine is when they expect every restaurant out there to have their special dish or when they expect every restaurant out there to bow down to their special request.
If you haven't worked in the food industry, you might be thinking, "What kind of food could people be ordering that's just so bad?" To help answer that question, Redditor u/Graceful_Swan_Ronson asked, "Waiters/ waitresses of Reddit, what's the most ridiculous request you've gotten from a customer at your restaurant?"
And oh, the answers are pretty mind-boggling. Some are just your plain gross weird food preference and others are just downright disgusting.
We don't even know how people can shove those foods into their mouths. But, you be the judge of that.
Here are some of the best answers on the thread:
First of all, why? And second, why in the world would you allow your kid to eat that much ranch?

The kid needs to learn the beauty of texture in food so he properly enjoy his food and stop ruining perfectly made dishes

Oh no kidding Sherlock. Seriously, did he expect it to be very good?

They could have made it a lot easier for themselves but they took the hard route

Pregnancy really brings out the weirdest of food cravings in humans

This is one sure-fire way to make many many Italians mad

Were they trying to give the kid a whole day of sugar high by any chance? Were they just going to inhale the powdered sugar too?

This is the reason why it's never bad to double check if you got the order right because it might end up so wrong like this

Maybe the vegetarian in her woke up a little too late just when all the beef was getting nice and digested in the lady's stomach

Can someone please take this guy out to a decent meal with real delicious salad?

Hey, we're not judging the girl pretty hard on this one because nacho cheese can be so damn good sometimes okay?

Some people really just have a very special way of making their martinis

Okay come on, how can you not appreciate the staff's efforts to making sure you had your special request met?

Maybe she was just allergic to tomatoes when they involved salads

It's like this woman just loves taking the joy out of her food

Seriously, why make the world a harder place for other people?

Oh, that is definitely weird and a little nasty. Did the woman even think if the finger was clean or not?

Wow...how specific

One thing you never put in the microwave is a salad but this lady was playing by no rules

Unless it was a custom pizza place or you owned that pizza place, you really can't be too picky and choosy how they prepare your pizza

He just missed out on all the stuff that made the burger good

He wants his food to be burnin'

The lady should have driven to the store, not the drive-thru

Employee got it right that pregnant women beats policy

Maybe it's her first time trying the drink?

Then maybe they should first read up on what a poutine is

Is anybody going to tell them what a tartare is?

Lady, your definition of health and their definition might be quite different

People should be able to eat whatever makes them happy with no one judging alright. But seriously, how can you not judge how preposterous some of these orders are, especially with the way the people ordered them?
For now, we'll just say we'll learn to live with our differences once again especially when it comes to food. We have to so we won't have nightmares about those dishes.
