Tumblr Shares Weird Historical Facts Where You Really Couldn't Make This Stuff Up

History facts you'd second guess as truly being fact.

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Tumblr Shares Weird Historical Facts Where You Really Couldn't Make This Stuff Up

As a story writer myself, I know that fiction can sometimes be easy to come up with out of thin air, but more often than not basing it upon real life, in real situations gives it the perfect spiral that makes the story POP.

While we go back and forth deciding what is specifically fiction vs fact, our minds are blown when we find out that what our minds settled as fiction, is fact in all actuality.

History is no different. Some things that have been recorded as fact, we would never even begin to fathom them happening. BUT, they did. And this article is the perfect example of just that!

The Romans were everything. Fact.

The Romans were everything. Fact.Source

Tiffany is a no no.

Tiffany is a no no.Source

The human race has ALWAYS complained....always.

The human race has ALWAYS complained....always.Source

Excuse me while I go laugh til I cry...Hahahaha

Excuse me while I go laugh til I cry...HahahahaSource



I can't with this...my laughs are in abundance!

I can't with this...my laughs are in abundance!Source

The Romans were as legit as it gets. Straight BOSS.

The Romans were as legit as it gets. Straight BOSS.Source

The way Indians operated back in the day...It'd make heads spin.

The way Indians operated back in the day...It'd make heads spin.Source

This is beyond amazeballs...amaze ICE balls!

This is beyond amazeballs...amaze ICE balls!Source

I'm willing to bet that the Game Of Thrones rejection bin is a mile long stacked ceiling high with ideas JUST like this one.

I'm willing to bet that the Game Of Thrones rejection bin is a mile long stacked ceiling high with ideas JUST like this one.Source