20 People Share The Most Bizarre Things They've Caught On Their Doorbell Cameras
You can catch some pretty crazy things on a doorbell camera.
- Published in Interesting
By now, you will have heard of the doorbell camera phenomenon - that's if you don't already own one of these babies yourself. The idea, of course, is that you can have a surveillance camera attached to your doorbell, allowing you to see what's going on outside your front door, or even across the street.
Doorbell cameras are generally attached to an app, where you can access and be alerted to footage of activity on your doorstep. They also allow you to communicate with people at your door via the app.
So, if you're not at home and someone rings your doorbell, you can see and talk to that person through your phone. What are the benefits?
Well, obviously, security is a huge one. But also the convenience of being able to tell a delivery man to "just leave the parcel at the door" or to tell your friend you'll "just be a minute."
You can also catch some pretty interesting things on a doorbell camera. Reddit user u/wigglytunadiddler posted to the r/Ask Reddit subreddit asking, "Redditors who have a ring doorbell, what's the creepiest thing you have caught on it?"
As always, the Reddit community had plenty to say on the topic and didn't disappoint with their responses. Keep scrolling to discover 20 of the strangest things Reddit users have caught on their doorbell cameras.
The Reddit user asked, "Redditors who have a ring doorbell, what's the creepiest thing you have caught on it?"
Reddit: u/wigglytunadiddlerHere's what people said.
Isayildiz / Getty Images1. "There was a shootout across the street."
Reddit: u/xXminilex2. Wait, that's not creepy?
Reddit: u/lookssharp3. "A toddler wearing nothing but a pj top and underwear."
Reddit: u/misspoopyloopy4. "The power line across the street burst into flames."
Reddit: u/nerevisigoth5. Trying to stake the joint.
Reddit: u/McHaaps6. "A chemical plant blew up."
Reddit: u/woodchuck1257. "A serial gnomer."
Reddit: u/NotVeryAccurateTbh8. A "dude crouching behind my car."
Reddit: u/WungusDigester9. "Praise the faeries."
Reddit: u/OpossumJesusHasRisen10. "Six people... just staring at my house."
Reddit: u/mxmnull11. "A small child on our porch."
Reddit: u/MostModestestMouse12. "A big, fat raccoon."
Reddit: u/Minimalgoth13. They stole the bear!
Reddit: u/Juventus1914. Umm, awkward.
Reddit: u/Same_Lack_177515. "A guy wandering around her yard with a baseball bat."
Reddit: u/KayTheMadScientist16. "Mom, I'm four Oreo's away from a bear."
Reddit: u/awkwardlyherdingcats17. "A person running through my yard high as a kite."
Reddit: u/Shadows_In_Time18. "A clearly fake police badge."
Reddit: u/fake_fakington19. Caught him!
Reddit: u/beerman_uk20. A "Honda Civic riding back and forth slowly... playing ice cream truck music."
Reddit: u/amoeba2020So, there you have it. Twenty of the most bizarre things people have caught on their doorbell cameras.
Imagine checking your camera and seeing someone randomly petting your plants. Or a lady putting gnomes in other people's gardens!
Doorbell cameras are an incredible invention that provides us with security and convenience. And, as we've learned today, they can also give us hours of quality entertainment and a darn good chuckle.
Have you ever caught anything crazy on your own doorbell camera? Or have you perhaps been caught doing something embarrassing on someone else's camera?
As always, we love to hear from you and read your stories. You can share them with us in the comment section below.