Woman Seeks Advice After Stepson Hides True Identity From Her but Reveals It Publicly

"We are super close and he hasn't told me"

Woman Seeks Advice After Stepson Hides True Identity From Her but Reveals It Publicly

Many people in our society believe that heterosexuality is the norm, so gay people must, therefore, constantly choose when and to whom to reveal their see*ual orientation or identity. LGBTQ individuals go through processes to come out to others about their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Coming out is a very personal and unique experience that takes a lot of courage for anyone to undertake. When you come out, you can feel everything from happy and glad to afraid and nervous.

There's no one correct way to come out, and speaking out about your se*ual orientation can sometimes seem more comfortable than keeping it a secret. Not every person comes out in the same manner, and not all persons come out to everyone at the same time or to everyone in their lives.

For many, it is an arduous and protracted battle, made more difficult by the numerous homophobic attitudes and discriminating acts they frequently encounter along the way. This must be why OP's stepson couldn't tell her about his new identity.

The OP and his stepson are super close, but she only found out about his identity on his TikTok page. Mind you, the OP doesn't care either way as long as he is happy.

OP just wants her stepson to know he's loved and supported, but she isn't sure if she should do it.

The OP writes

The OP writesReddit/Dezziedisaster

The OP just wants him to know that he's loved and supported by her

The OP just wants him to know that he's loved and supported by herReddit/Dezziedisaster

The OP leaves a summary and here it is:

My step-son says he is bi on his public tik tok profile, Do I say something or let him come to me?

We've gathered some of the most upvoted comments from other Redditors for you to read through below

We've gathered some of the most upvoted comments from other Redditors for you to read through belowReddit/Dezziedisaster

Coming out was even really a thing

Coming out was even really a thingReddit/Dezziedisaster

It can be a really fraught thing for a kid

It can be a really fraught thing for a kidReddit/Dezziedisaster

Assuring him that she already knew and it doesn't really matter

Assuring him that she already knew and it doesn't really matterReddit/Dezziedisaster

The OP reveals how she came across her stepson's page

It pulled up as people you may know because they attached their phone number to their profile, and I was going to add him but I am glad I read their bio first, because I don't want to freak them out!

The other person feels like they don't know her

The other person feels like they don't know herReddit/Dezziedisaster

This will make their coming out a lot more easier

This will make their coming out a lot more easierReddit/Dezziedisaster

He may not be sharing for a multitude of reasons

He may not be sharing for a multitude of reasonsReddit/Dezziedisaster

The OP says that she is going to keep the information to herself

The OP says that she is going to keep the information to herselfReddit/Dezziedisaster

"I just want you to know that I love and support you"


Many people must first battle the negative stereotypes and homophobic sentiments they internalized as children. This may cause them not to open up to their loved ones, and while some Redditors told the OP to tell her stepson, others told her to wait for him to open up to her.

What the OP can do is make sure that her stepson knows that they are safe, loved, and cared for.
