Concerned Dad Seeks Advice After Son Threatens To Ruin Stepson's School Life For Being More Handsome
"You can't stop me from doing what I want at school"

In households, managing sibling rivalry is a very regular occurrence. Sibling arguments, fights, and days when it seems like they might never get along are common occurrences for all siblings.
An already complex and emotional situation can only get more complicated with the addition of a step or half-sibling. Step-sibling rivalry may put a great deal of strain and stress on a family that is making a lot of effort to bond and become one.
When you combine two households with kids, step-sibling rivalry can affect each and every family member. When a child has to share their parent's attention, it's normal for them to feel envious.
The youngster may exhibit new habits, regress, or act out in an attempt to divert their parents' focus from the new sibling. In today's story, we see the OP's son, Micheal who has already made plans to frustrate his step brother, Barry all because he is "more handsome."
Barry is a very handsome young man, and for reasons the OP can only assume, jealousy has made his son hate him. OP says that his son is not an ugly boy, but he is afraid that Barry will get more attention from the girls at school than he will.
So Michael has threatened to make Barry's life a living hell at his new school. The OP's at a loss for what to do, so he came to Reddit to seek advice.
The story's headline

The OP and his new wife do not currently live together as she wanted her son to finish his sophomore year

"You can ground me all you want, but you can't stop me from doing what I want at school"

The OP provided a summary for his story and here it is:
Son is threatening to make my step sons life a living hell come the fall at his new school
Let's head into the comments section and find out what other Redditors have to say regarding the story

Pulling him out and putting him in a private school

This Redditor wants to know how long the OP has been dating Barry's mom

The OP should get his son a therapist because something is not right

There's probably more to this than just jealously over appearances

The OP needs to sit his son down and properly trash out this issue

This Redditor is of the opinion that the OP could be wrong in his conclusion

The OP is a little deaf to his sons of feelings

He's losing the OP to them and he feels he's losing his place as well

Many Redditors assumed the OP's probably not saying a lot of things but Michael needs to know that the OP still loves him and that you don't plan on replacing or eliminating him. Of course, the OP shouldn't allow him to get away with misbehaving, but he should still maintain contact nonetheless.
Seeking a family therapist could be a good choice if the OP and hid son don't have the kind of relationship where he can confide in him freely. Leave your opinion in the comments section below.
