Step-Grandparents Get Dragged Online For Creating Unnecessary Family Drama
It bothers her that they paint her as someone who had a sad upbringing and is devastated about not knowing her mother.
- Published in Interesting
Families come in all different shapes and sizes. Life isn't always how we expect it to be, so sometimes, families become blended, and there is nothing wrong with that - in fact, it can be fabulous!
But it can also be challenging, which is especially true when a family member passes away, particularly a parent. And recently, Reddit user u/TaySlayzan shared a story in the AITA (Am I The A**hole?) subreddit about the difficulties she has experienced with her blended family.
The Redditor explained that when she was four months old, her mother sadly passed away. Her dad did an incredible job raising her alone until she was 12, and got remarried when OP was 14.
The Reddit user says she got along well with her new stepmother right from the start. She never tried to take over and encouraged the OP to remember her mother.
However, two people seem to have an issue with all of this - her parents. They have never liked the fact that she married OP's dad but was never viewed as her mother.
They have even gone as far as to call OP's father "cruel" for not wanting someone to fill the mother role in the Redditor's life. Even though their daughter has told them it's none of their business, they still won't let up.
The OP says it bothers her that they paint her as someone who had a sad upbringing and is devastated about not knowing her mother. She says that simply isn't true and she doesn't want anyone to think it is.
The OP says the last time she saw her step-grandparents was at Thanksgiving, and she argued with them for the first time. She explained that she was grateful that her dad waited and didn't try to replace her mother when she was a child.
The Redditor says that she doesn't need to be reminded that her mother passed away and she never got the chance to know her, but she is grateful for the childhood she did have with her father. OP's step-grandparents insist that her father did her a disservice by not providing her with a "replacement mother."
So, the Redditor told them that if they continue to harass her dad about this, they would not be welcome to attend any of her future milestones like her graduation or wedding. Of course, they were not happy about the ultimatum, but OP's stepmother stood up for her and told them she was right.
The OP's step-siblings were also not happy about the way she had spoken to their grandparents, so she decided to ask the Reddit community for advice. Keep scrolling to see how people reacted.
The Reddit user shared a story about the difficulties she has experienced with her blended family.
Reddit/TaySlayzanHer stepmother's parents have never liked the fact that she married OP's dad but was never viewed as her mother.
Reddit/TaySlayzanOP says it bothers her that they paint her as someone who had a sad upbringing and is devastated about not knowing her mother.
Reddit/TaySlayzanThe last time she saw her step-grandparents she argued with them for the first time.
Reddit/TaySlayzanHere's how people reacted.
Reddit/ParsimoniousSaladThey sound "toxic and delusional."
Reddit/000-Hotaru_Tomoe"It's not their business."
Reddit/Curious-One4595"Your dad did a wonderful job raising you."
Reddit/Stup2plending"This is a perfectly reasonable boundary to set."
Reddit/kai_xale7Unwanted opinions.
Reddit/CapnGramma"You did the right thing."
Reddit/HariSeldon1986"They needed to hear that."
Reddit/alinishUnnecessary drama.
Reddit/ThrustingBanterNope. Not okay.
Reddit/cuter_than_thee"Your dad is a good man."
Reddit/piscesgirl228No advantage.
Reddit/diminishingpatienceWhy would they do that?
Reddit/junidelph"Don't feel afraid to cut people out."
Reddit/AbleReporter565"Her kids will get over it."
Reddit/Smurfs_are_realThey don't understand.
Reddit/LordLaz1985"Stick to your guns."
Reddit/jmelross"It's your life."
Reddit/Mindless-String2294What's your take on this situation? Do you think the OP is wrong for giving her step-grandparents an ultimatum or was it a perfectly reasonable reaction?
Surely they should just be happy that OP is happy and that her father did such a wonderful job raising her alone. But families are complicated, and it's nearly impossible to please everyone.
We would love to hear your opinions on this topic. You can share your thoughts with us in the comment section.