Woman Wants To "Steal" Back Her Wii Gift From Ex-Girlfriend After Breakup Since They Don't Even Use It, Asks If This Would Be Reasonable

"I highly doubt she’d care enough to forcibly stop me. Still, it’s definitely stealing at this point."

Woman Wants To "Steal" Back Her Wii Gift From Ex-Girlfriend After Breakup Since They Don't Even Use It, Asks If This Would Be Reasonable

Dealing with possessions after a breakup, especially those gifts that hold sentimental value can be a complex and emotionally charged endeavor, as illustrated in OP's story about a Wii console and its games. This wasn't just any ordinary gift; it represented a vital part of OP's childhood, imbued with cherished memories and joy.

Her decision to give this significant part of her life as a gift was deeply heartfelt, a gesture to share her beloved pastime and passion for gaming with her partner. However, this well-intentioned gift didn't resonate as expected, as her ex showed only minimal interest in the games, often leaving OP to play alone, embracing the nostalgia and joy these games brought her.

The situation became further complicated following their breakup. OP, demonstrating a willingness to compromise, agreed to move out, but she faced a dilemma when it came to the Wii.

It was a gift, certainly, but to her, it signified much more than just a gaming console; it was a tangible piece of her childhood, a symbol of her love for gaming, and an integral part of her identity. In contrast, for her ex, it seemed to be just another item, devoid of the emotional attachment and significance it held for OP.

This led to a moral quandary for OP: although the Wii was technically her ex's property now, it remained a deeply personal and cherished part of OP's own history, seemingly unused and unappreciated in her ex's possession. Just take a look at the Reddit post...

OP fondly recalls her childhood playing Wii games, expressing continued nostalgia and enjoyment for them.

OP fondly recalls her childhood playing Wii games, expressing continued nostalgia and enjoyment for them.Reddit

Her ex had no gaming background, starting with a Nintendo Switch Lite and playing only Animal Crossing occasionally.

Her ex had no gaming background, starting with a Nintendo Switch Lite and playing only Animal Crossing occasionally.Reddit

For Christmas, OP refurbished her childhood Wii with games to recreate her game-less childhood, now in their apartment.

For Christmas, OP refurbished her childhood Wii with games to recreate her game-less childhood, now in their apartment.Reddit

Christmas Wii gift fell short; she liked some games but avoided solo play, got bored quickly, seldom played over an hour.

Christmas Wii gift fell short; she liked some games but avoided solo play, got bored quickly, seldom played over an hour.Reddit

Disappointed by her disinterest, OP played alone, spending post-bedtime hours in the games.

Disappointed by her disinterest, OP played alone, spending post-bedtime hours in the games.Reddit

Post-breakup, they agreed to move out, and while packing, the Wii was included.

Post-breakup, they agreed to move out, and while packing, the Wii was included.Reddit

Unplugging the Wii, she asked what OP was doing. OP reminded her it was technically hers as a gift.

Unplugging the Wii, she asked what OP was doing. OP reminded her it was technically hers as a gift.Reddit

Retrieving it is costly, and if left with her, it may never be touched again.

Retrieving it is costly, and if left with her, it may never be touched again.Reddit

OP's considering taking it back, but unsure if it makes me the jerk. It's technically stealing.

Scroll down to see what people had to say...

OP's considering taking it back, but unsure if it makes me the jerk. It's technically stealing.Reddit

"WIBTA if I stole?" Hold up, cease the capers—just ask instead of pilfering!


Stealing's a no-no, but she's being spiteful. Offer $50, be classy, not a thief.

Stealing's a no-no, but she's being spiteful. Offer $50, be classy, not a thief.Reddit

"Considered paying up, but afraid she'll GameStop it for a better deal. Can't beat those store prices!


Ex shouldn't cling to sentimental junk, and taking it isn't the way to go, even if it's a treasure to them.

Ex shouldn't cling to sentimental junk, and taking it isn't the way to go, even if it's a treasure to them.Reddit

Gave it as a gift, now it's hers.

Gave it as a gift, now it's hers.Reddit

Respect that. Simple.

Respect that. Simple.Reddit

Don't let a couple of bills tie them up in moving on. It was a gift; let the past play its part in peace.

Don't let a couple of bills tie them up in moving on. It was a gift; let the past play its part in peace.Reddit

Keeping sentimental stuff: petty. Taking it back might be jerky, but holding onto it? That's Assholery 101, inexcusable yet inevitable.

Keeping sentimental stuff: petty. Taking it back might be jerky, but holding onto it? That's Assholery 101, inexcusable yet inevitable.Reddit

No entitlement here; it's not a heist just because you fancy it more. Respect the purchase, don't snatch it like a loot drop.

No entitlement here; it's not a heist just because you fancy it more. Respect the purchase, don't snatch it like a loot drop.Reddit

Charm over heist—negotiate, trade, or buy. Smooth moves, not sneak moves.

Charm over heist—negotiate, trade, or buy. Smooth moves, not sneak moves.Reddit

Exchange gifts like a reverse Santa, and if she's a 'No,' let it go. Presents for presents, not presents for possessions!

Exchange gifts like a reverse Santa, and if she's a 'No,' let it go. Presents for presents, not presents for possessions!Reddit

It's not a gift; it's a trial membership to their gaming world.

It's not a gift; it's a trial membership to their gaming world.Reddit

In the game of post-breakup asset division, OP finds herself at a crossroads, battling the boss's level of emotional attachment versus legal ownership. It seems in the world of heartbreak, the real high score is figuring out how to retrieve pieces of your past without pressing the 'steal' button.

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