Star Wars Prequel Memes You Can Enjoy Without Worrying About Spoiling the Obi-Wan Kenobi Finale

May the force be with you.

  • Published in Disney
Star Wars Prequel Memes You Can Enjoy Without Worrying About Spoiling the Obi-Wan Kenobi Finale

It's been more than 2 months since Disney+ debuted its latest limited series, Obi-Wan Kenobi, but fans have been excited much before its May 22nd premiere. Memes about the series started emerging before it was even out, fans just could not wait for it to be released.

Reddit's r/PrequelMemes subreddit has hosted most of the hype, with users making and posting original memes related to the prequel. The subreddit is mostly dedicated to the critically panned prequels, but it's also a community where fans can get excited about the latest shows and movies.

The flow of memes about the new series has been constant, with fans getting quite creative and hilarious. One of the only issues is trying to enjoy the memes while simultaneously avoiding spoilers.

Thankfully, it's possible to enjoy the memes without having to worry about spoilers. This is especially important for people who didn't have time to watch the episodes yet.

The moderators in the r/PrequelMemes subreddit are very strict when comes to spoilers until a week after the official release of the episode. Which makes it much easier to enjoy funny memes without being constantly on the lookout for spoilers.

1. It is unlikely that the younglings will survive.

1. It is unlikely that the younglings will survive.u/Minigamerguy123

2. "An awesome behind the scenes photo of the order 66 flashback!"

2. u/MeanBeginning-2585

3. "Not really a meme, just a funny tweet"

3. Reddit

4. They all have anger issues, even the hallway.

4. They all have anger issues, even the hallway.Reddit

5. "Yularen rapidly aged into however old he is in A New Hope and then stopped aging for twenty years"

5. u/VillainM

6. "Yoda and Mace Windu are directly responsible for their downfall."

6. Reddit

7. "It must have been utter chaos on set"

7. Reddit

8. "Yes, I know I’m just feeding into it"

8. u/Fuzzy_Danglers

9. "No Context Here, Just Yoda On A Gatling Gun"

9. Reddit

10. "Am I watching something different?"

10. Reddit

11. "*It's Sheeeeev!* Sheev the Sith"

11. Reddit

12."This is getting out of hand, now there’s two of them!"


13. This has maternity shoot vibes.

13. This has maternity shoot vibes.Reddit

14. "Why were these guys evil, again?"

14. Reddit

15. "Kit Fisto has seen things"

15. Reddit

16. "He’s got a point, you know."

16. Reddit

17. "Especially if it's in a public restroom"

17. Reddit

18. This is so stupid it's actually good.

18. This is so stupid it's actually good.Reddit

19. "Yesterday I was living in a mud home"

19. Reddit

20. "Galaxy got taken over by a guy called Sheev"

20. Reddit

21. "Let’s be honest Obi-Wan played a part"

21. Reddit

22. "Hope we see him again soon"

22. Reddit

23. "I find your lack of faith disturbing"

23. Reddit

24. "With great power comes great responsibility.... And great failure."

24. Reddit

25. This is where the fun begin.

25. This is where the fun begin.Reddit

26. "Hide the pain"

26. Reddit

27. "Just sayin, maybe it’s about time we embrace the cheese"

27. Reddit

28. "Man gets promotion without raise and kills all of the interns" -Simon1026


29. "For the Republic!"

29. Reddit

30. "At least we can tell them apart now"

30. Reddit

31. "You're grounded"

31. Reddit

It's always nice to be able to enjoy memes about the things you like without getting spoiled. The internet is always full of spoilers, but not this time.

We hope you enjoyed this list of memes. If you did, make sure to check out similar content on our platform.
