Women Are Shaming Their Male Partner's Annoying Habits Online And Here Are 40 Of The Most Incompetent Yet Funny Ones
These photos might make you feel deeply uncomfortable
- Published in Funny
There will come a point in life when your partner will make you feel completely frustrated, regardless of how "perfect" your relationship is or how patient you are. And it could be as simple as something they do on a daily basis at home.
Something that absolutely irritates you. The ideal approach is to be as non-confrontational as possible without ignoring the issue: pay attention to the matter at hand, avoid being unduly combative, and make an effort to find a solution rather than brag about your superiority.
Recall that you are a team. Furthermore, you don't want their penchant for piling toilet paper on top of each other in the bathroom to start a heated dispute that lasts for days or even weeks.
Big and small, these unpleasant grinds are a part of life and cannot be avoided unless you are extraordinarily wealthy and employ someone to do all of your mundane tasks. Even if you're not a millionaire, you can still approach the matter more realistically.
A community online has gathered images from around the internet of some of the most hilariously irritating behaviors that some wives and boyfriends have. Topping up muffins with just the tops and stockpiling half-empty jam jars are just the beginning!
Prepare yourself and scroll down for a good laugh.
1. I'm Very Patiently Waiting For My Fiance To Wake Up So I Can Find Out Why There Is A Bite Mark In The Butter
ravens_revenge2. My Husband's Version Of "The Kitchen Is Clean"
PhirePhrey3. Husband Attempted To Put The Silverware Away
thekatshow4. How My Husband Wrote The Date That He Opened This Orange Juice
Sleepless_in_MA5. I Picked Up A Fancy Cake For My Husband On Our Anniversary
Long_live_Broctune6. My Husband Has Been Sticking These Rollers In Places I Can't Reach To Annoy Me. It's Working
Kimmer227. I Think My Husband Was Tired This Morning Because That Is The Dog Food And Not Coffee Beans
CaptnChristiana8. I Love My Husband. I Love Cheese. Brian, What The Hell?
bunkerbash9. My Boyfriend Made Croissants This Way
AdComprehensive11410. I Tore My Rotator Cuff, So My Husband Told Me He Would Finish The Interior Painting Downstairs Instead Of Me. Now He Says He's Done
sleepdeprivationland11. I Asked My Boyfriend To Put Some Toilet Paper In The Bathroom
pcat7712. I Asked My Husband To Buy Some Cheap Plastic Drinking Cups So That We Wouldn't Break Them. This Is What He Bought. And No, We Don't Have Kids
ArchieFartsy13. My Soon-To-Be Ex-Husband Has Been Taking Advantage Of Local Food Banks "Just Because He Can," He Says But Ends Up Tossing Much Of It Out Because It Goes Bad
SpeethImpediment14. My Husband Tried To Do The Laundry
iwillsurvivor15. This Is How My Boyfriend Packed Up A Moving Box With Kitchen Stuff While I Was At Work
Late-Style489216. I've Been Trying To Tell My Husband That Our Oven Runs Hot And He Should Cook Things At A Lower Temperature For Less Time. He Just Doesn't Believe Me
Nikkerdoodle7117. My Family Members Think Towels Will Dry Like This Or On The Floor
Jessicaadxx18. I Get Mad At My Boyfriend That He Finishes Everything In The House Without Buying A Replacement. Here's His Solution
OhhHunnyBunny19. The Way My Husband Unpacked The Book Boxes
the_real_meghatron20. When My Husband Gets Mad At Me, He Puts Things Where I Can't Reach Them And He Also Hides My Step Ladder
ArdenElle2421. My Husband Keeps Opening New Jars Of Jam Before He Finishes The Other Ones
badassmamabear22. I've Just Done My Business And Saw That "Someone" Left This. Yes, I'm Posting This, To Personally Call Out My Boyfriend
beepboopwannadie23. My Fiance Refuses To Finish A Bottle Of Coke Before Opening Another One
mthom23424. I Was Looking Forward To Having Mini-Muffins For Breakfast This Morning, And This Is What I Found. He Ate The Top And Left This For Me
Science_Girl4925. I Found My Boyfriend's Glass Bottles In The Freezer Like This
AriValentina26. I Woke Up To This. My Husband Told Me Last Night "Not To Worry" About The New Shelving Unit. I Wasn't But I Should Have Been
FascinatingFall27. This Is How My Boyfriend Cuts An Avocado
chinky_cutie28. The Way My Husband Stacks Up His Used Coffee Spoons And Won't Put Them In The Dishwasher
Tipsy_Cat_142029. My Husband Carries Doughnuts Vertically, And They Become Like This
ArtisanGerard30. My Husband Somehow Managed To Put His Cup Upside Down When Making Coffee This Morning
potatoefudge31. Instead Of Putting A Bag In The Trash, My Husband Puts It On The Counter For Me
ThekawaiiO_d32. I Asked My Husband To Seal An Envelope For Mailing
northernCan8133. I Went Grocery Shopping, And My Husband Put Everything Away. It's A Blue Box, So It Must Be A Pasta
HarleenQuinzel033034. My Husband, Everyone
tunnelingballsack35. My Boyfriend Tried To Wash A Pillow
splanderson36. I Brought Home A Couple Of Groceries. I Asked My Husband If He Could Put The Pizza Rolls In The Freezer. This Is What I Found
DessaStrick37. I Found My Husband's Stash Of Empty Wrappers
littlehollie38. Pettiness Level 100,000,00. My Husband Was Angry This Morning, So He Decided He Was Only Making His Half Of The Bed
bearfoxmousemushroom39. My Boyfriend "Washed The Dishes" And Left The Sink Like This
lululock40. My Husband Is The Driest Texter
jmyang5054The majority of the images on this list highlight either a persistent mess or a strong desire to put off completing duties around the house. Naturally, a person's nature, upbringing, and priorities in life will all play a role in whether or not they are neat or not.
Which of these images best resonated with you? Does your significant other behave similarly?
Please feel free to leave your comments below.