30 Oddly Specific Workplace Rules Companies Had To Enforce Because Of A Single Employee
They ruin something for everybody and they're probably the same reason "not edible" is a warning on a lot of obviously non-food items in the world.
- Published in Interesting
Part of starting a new job is learning about your new workplace. Your orientation and training time will vary based on what field you are in but every new hire goes through this period.
Your first few days or weeks at your new job are opportunities to familiarize yourself with a place where you will spend most of your waking hours. It's a chance to get to know your workmates and the departments you will have frequent interactions with.
Aside from that, you will also have to learn about the rules and regulations enforced at your new workplace. Handbooks and guides don't stop at school, they become even more strict once you enter the workforce.
They also come with heavier consequences that could land you in big trouble if you don't follow them. You can probably come across a rule or two that will make you imperceptibly raise an eyebrow.
If your company releases an oddly specific memo like banning clam chowder or abolishing nacho Fridays, it's going to pique your curiosity. There has to be a reason or one person that made them create that rule.
There's always one person who has to ruin it for everybody, eh? In this interesting thread from Reddit, we'll get to know some rules enforced in workplaces because of one thoughtless coworker.
This loaded question made way for some of the most interesting answers we've read on Reddit:
Googunk1. Bye truckload of delicious junk food
DarrenEdwards2. It's not your personal catering company, sir
Hands-and-apples3. Just to be clear, this loan comes with a 4% interest and a curse on my firstborn?
luminescentbluedot4. The secret is not using the popcorn mode
katrascythe5. It's like Netflix, you spend hours looking for something to watch and finding they're all unwatchable
DYGTD6. First of all, it's Martin who should have faced consequences, not the women.
Wryxon7. Why are these people still employed at your company?
LofiLorraine8. Safety first
boi-juice9. This is why we can't have nice things
KeybladeWielder9710. Gross manager who needs to be fired or locked up
The68Guns11. They should learn a new language to talk about her
Quityurgriping12. You can thank Dave for making an unwritten rule official
this_name_is_banned13. That's classified
_Medaly14. You will always be a legend, Juicy Girl
AMerrickanGirl15. Thieves are stealing from each other
Puzzleheaded_Pen_23316. OP couldn't wax it on and off without losing balance
Interesting-Dance17617. Wyatt who had to be trained not to ride a wheelbarrow downhill
Ok_Pressure_4462Wyatt sounds awful
Ok_Pressure_446218. With the price of gas, can't say I blame him
Fairlybludgeoned19. I made my money the old fashioned way. I dropped my free turkey on my foot and sued my company.
Voshan00820. Hey, if they're going to make you work overnight, you should at least be comfortable. Bring a mattress next time.
mortuusanima21. Were the eggs rotten?
AnonymousSage50922. It was to honor him
Player_12__23. Hardhats are for defense not offense
Log2324. Most people would try to fart discreetly but whatever
No-Park-385625. They only banned paper planes, right? Try making a paper bat or buy a remote controlled plane.
Expensive-Back-209226. People who are allegedly proficient with Google suite are common offenders of this
Gerald_the_sealion27. Why can't they just install CCTVs like other capitalists?
Scullyx28. Sounds like grounds for sexual harassment if you ask me
Dunkel_Reynolds29. I hate to imagine what he does in that kitchen other than cooking
Dlodancer30. Respect the hustle
murakamimatchaIf your job doesn't micromanage every single aspect of your life, be grateful for that. Other places can restrict their employees from the most mundane things just because they can.
Others actually have valid reasons for enforcing certain rules. It's just too bad that one person's mistake and thoughtlessness can ruin a good thing for everyone else in years to come.