Parent Gets Severely Roasted Online For Getting Matching Tattoo After Seeing Son Got One

"I'm an a**hole for getting a tattoo just to prove a point"

Parent Gets Severely Roasted Online For Getting Matching Tattoo After Seeing Son Got One

A tattoo is a cultural, artistic, and emotional statement. Tattoo patterns have come to signify a wide range of meanings as the world changes, from novelty and romance to family ties and tradition.

As they walk into a tattoo parlor together and emerge with matching pair tattoos, many couples are all heart eyes. But since they are no longer together, some come back separately to have their tattoos covered up or removed.

The unfortunate truth is that while tattoos are permanent, many relationships are not meant to last a lifetime. One of the key reasons people get tattoos is the desire to stand out and be special.

It may be their unique method of honoring or celebrating a noteworthy occasion, a turning point in their relationship, or anything else that has had an influence on their life. It's a couple's way of having a special "marker" of their cherished love!

Even years cannot erase the deep significance that tattoos have. The OP of today's story said they would get a matching tattoo with the child only if it had no meaning.

He thought it was an empty threat until he got a tribal armband tattoo. The OP asked him about it, and he said it just looked cool.

Since the OP has disposable income and a high pain tolerance, they got a matching tattoo with the son. The problem now is that he no longer wants to show it off.

OP writes

OP writesReddit/Psychological-Fix350

If he got something and it had no special meaning, OP would get the exact same one

If he got something and it had no special meaning, OP would get the exact same oneReddit/Psychological-Fix350

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:

I followed through on something I told my son and got a matching tattoo. I might be the a-hole because I went to a silly extreme to make a point.

The Reddit post went fairly viral with thousands of comments and here are a bunch of the topmost ones below

The Reddit post went fairly viral with thousands of comments and here are a bunch of the topmost ones belowReddit/Psychological-Fix350

The OP just showed that they're really an AH

The OP just showed that they're really an AHReddit/Psychological-Fix350

The OP owned his son with that move

The OP owned his son with that moveReddit/Psychological-Fix350

The OP has psychological issues

The OP has psychological issuesReddit/Psychological-Fix350

It's so stupid to get a meaningless tattoo

It's so stupid to get a meaningless tattooReddit/Psychological-Fix350

From a Redditor who believes the OP stole the son's tattoo idea

Girl, you didn’t get matching tattoos together? You stole his tattoo idea to prove a point? Did you really think this could go over well?
Tattoos don’t always have deep meanings and not everyone is going to think the same way you do. Just because he came out of you doesn’t mean he is supposed to think exactly like you. You cannot be this seriously dense about it.

Showing what a toxic and petty person can be

Showing what a toxic and petty person can beReddit/Psychological-Fix350

The OP has too much time to spare

The OP has too much time to spareReddit/Psychological-Fix350

This Redditor understands how the son feels

This Redditor understands how the son feelsReddit/Psychological-Fix350

This Redditor requires some answers

This Redditor requires some answersReddit/Psychological-Fix350

Getting A tattoo because someone else did

Getting A tattoo because someone else didReddit/Psychological-Fix350

There are hidden meanings behind many people's tattoos, and some are mostly concerned with making sure they look good. Since they are indelible marks on one's flesh, some people won't mind turning it into an artistic canvas.

Apparently, OP hates getting tattoos, but mocking the son was significant enough to the OP to justify the expense. To many Redditors, it's a perpetual, observable, and unending evidence of his willingness to become an AH.
