Mom Makes Her Son Go On Vacation Even Though His Time Off Isn't Approved, He Gets Fired As Result

She didn't make him quit, she got him fired.

Mom Makes Her Son Go On Vacation Even Though His Time Off Isn't Approved, He Gets Fired As Result

We're back again today with yet another Reddit post, and this one is from the AITA thread, which is a very popular thread that we do often look into. The AITA thread is a thread where people go to tell their stories and get advice on whether or not they're in the wrong for what they did or said in a situation.

It's just a great place to go to get unbiased opinions and to see what people think about your situation. So, with that being said, we're looking at a post today that was submitted by a mom who is wondering if she's in the wrong for getting her son fired from his job.

Basically, she had him take off time for their family vacation, but his boss didn't approve it; she made him come on the vacation anyway, and so, as a result, he was fired. She gave details on her son's opinion about going on vacation and that he wanted to stay and work, which is important here.

Many people had a lot to say in the comments. So, if you're interested in looking into the full original post and all of the best comments that were left on it as well, then keep on reading as we dive into the details,

This was the original post by OP where she gave the situation and all the details that people needed to make a verdict.

This was the original post by OP where she gave the situation and all the details that people needed to make a verdict.u/Educational_Gur_2679

People already knew what they were going to say about this situation and they quickly told OP that she was in the wrong for doing this to her son.

People already knew what they were going to say about this situation and they quickly told OP that she was in the wrong for doing this to her son.runedued

It's interesting because her original title does say she made him quit, but clearly, that's not at all what happened here.

It's interesting because her original title does say she made him quit, but clearly, that's not at all what happened here.Awkward-Arugula-3173

It sounds like OP doesn't give her children much of a choice to feel their own things or have their own opinions if she punished him for literally feeling a feeling.

It sounds like OP doesn't give her children much of a choice to feel their own things or have their own opinions if she punished him for literally feeling a feeling.legeekycupcake

It's unfortunate because she actually had a lot of potential here with the situation and she could've used it as a teaching opportunity for her son.

It's unfortunate because she actually had a lot of potential here with the situation and she could've used it as a teaching opportunity for her son.NotCreativeAtAll16

She definitely does need to apologize to her son because if he did something for her to lose her job she'd clearly be mad.

She definitely does need to apologize to her son because if he did something for her to lose her job she'd clearly be mad.doseofsense

Mom is most definitely in the wrong here and she owes her son a huge apology for this.

Mom is most definitely in the wrong here and she owes her son a huge apology for this.LucidCunning

It doesn't sound like they had much of a conversation about this at all which is part of the biggest problem here.

It doesn't sound like they had much of a conversation about this at all which is part of the biggest problem here.HedgieTwiggles

She missed a huge teaching opportunity here honestly which makes it even bigger of a problem because she's probably doing this all the time.

She missed a huge teaching opportunity here honestly which makes it even bigger of a problem because she's probably doing this all the time.CrystalQueen3000

Some people actually felt like OP was in the right here not to let her son stay home alone that long.

Some people actually felt like OP was in the right here not to let her son stay home alone that long.DumbestManEver

However, again some people disagreed and thought that by 16 they should be capable of staying home by themselves.

However, again some people disagreed and thought that by 16 they should be capable of staying home by themselves.MrSpreadsheets

Well, this was an interesting story. It seems like there are a lot of people who thought that OP was in the wrong here, but at the same time, there were also a few that went against the grain.

Overall, we think it was a bad move to get her son fired because, obviously, that was his job, and now the money that she took away from him.
