Teen Unwilling To Share Her Late Father's Social Security Benefits With Her Mother Upon Turning 18

Social security money and overall just death in the family can cause a lot of problems, including family issues.

Teen Unwilling To Share Her Late Father's Social Security Benefits With Her Mother Upon Turning 18

We're back again with another very entertaining Reddit post from the AITA thread to read today. We enjoy going over these posts often because they're very entertaining, and they usually give us a look into the life of others.

Not to mention, the comments on these posts are always so great and come with a lot of different perspectives attached as well. So with this being said, we are here with another post, and this time it was posted by a girl who is looking to see if she's wrong for not wanting to share the social security money with her mom from her dad's death.

Social security money is hard to distribute, especially when it comes to the children being 18 years old and then having full control over the money. However, we think that everything is mostly situational, but people still have a lot to say in the comments.

So if you want to hear the full story on why she doesn't want to share the money and what's been going on, then you'll want to stay tuned as we dive into the full post and also some of the best comments that were submitted as well.

OP starts off her post by explaining that her father passed away and how her mother has been receiving social security checks for her because of this.

OP starts off her post by explaining that her father passed away and how her mother has been receiving social security checks for her because of this.u/ThrowawayProud_Po40

Then she goes on to say what her mother's perspective is and why she's asking her to share the money with her. Ultimately, OP doesn't seem to understand social security purposes.

Then she goes on to say what her mother's perspective is and why she's asking her to share the money with her. Ultimately, OP doesn't seem to understand social security purposes.u/ThrowawayProud_Po40

People immediately let OP know that she's TA and that this money isn't exactly used for what she thinks it is. This person told her to move out basically if she wanted that money for herself.

People immediately let OP know that she's TA and that this money isn't exactly used for what she thinks it is. This person told her to move out basically if she wanted that money for herself.Intrepid_Potential60

This person broke it down for OP well and explains a bit on what the money is supposed to be used for and why the payment stops, etc., so maybe she can better understand its purpose.

This person broke it down for OP well and explains a bit on what the money is supposed to be used for and why the payment stops, etc., so maybe she can better understand its purpose.Carpefelem

This basically explains it in an easier way so that maybe OP can explain more of why she was given this money in the first place.

This basically explains it in an easier way so that maybe OP can explain more of why she was given this money in the first place.babyeventhelosers_

It seems that everyone was pretty much on the same page with saying that the money is for OP's mom essentially to help pay bills.

It seems that everyone was pretty much on the same page with saying that the money is for OP's mom essentially to help pay bills.TheHobbyWaitress

The money is helpful in a house full of bills no matter how much it is. She should give her mom something to help out with bills, etc.

The money is helpful in a house full of bills no matter how much it is. She should give her mom something to help out with bills, etc.GargantuanGreenGoats

It seems that people were on the same page with this and they did decide to let her know what the process behind this was and why she shouldn't get it all.

It seems that people were on the same page with this and they did decide to let her know what the process behind this was and why she shouldn't get it all.antiqueight

This person said it best because basically the problem is her lack of education on what the money is for. It's not grief money, but rather money that is meant to support a household.

This person said it best because basically the problem is her lack of education on what the money is for. It's not grief money, but rather money that is meant to support a household.daytodaze

This is definitely the best way to put it because her mom hasn't been taking her money, because essentially it was the whole family's money.

This is definitely the best way to put it because her mom hasn't been taking her money, because essentially it was the whole family's money.Top-Passion-1508

We hope that OP understands a bit more about what this money is for and why her mom wasn't giving it all to her in the beginning. She's even being somewhat nice to tell her about it now since she could just keep it for herself.

Ultimately, OP just needs to know more about what that money is for.
