Redditor Seeks Advice After Her Coworker Starts Bringing Smelly Old Rescue Dog To Office

OP doesn't want to be the one to complain but she can't take it anymore.

Redditor Seeks Advice After Her Coworker Starts Bringing Smelly Old Rescue Dog To Office

In this tale from Reddit, OP finds herself nose-deep in a dilemma of malodorous proportions thanks to a coworker's fragrant rescue dog. Let's dive into this stinky situation and see how OP navigates the workplace waters.

Imagine a cozy office space where occasional doggie visitors add a sprinkle of joy to the workday. Sounds charming, right? Well, not when one particular pooch brings along an olfactory assault that could make your eyes water.

OP describes the scent as a potent blend of wet dog food and the lingering aroma of last week's leftovers—a fragrance that could knock the socks off even the most seasoned odor aficionado. And to make matters worse, this pooch's mealtime habits turn OP's workspace into a culinary nightmare, with wafts of pungent odors emanating from its bowl.

But the canine calamity doesn't end there. This furry friend has a bladder as unpredictable as the weather, leaving little puddles of pee in its wake. And let's not forget the symphony of flatulence, turning the air into a noxious cloud of methane.

To top it off, this four-legged miscreant isn't exactly spry on its paws. Attempts to coax it away from its fragrant throne are met with resistance as the dog remains firmly planted, emitting noxious fumes with every breath.

Now, OP finds herself at a crossroads. On one hand, she doesn't want to be the office party pooper who rains on everyone's furry parade. On the other hand, enduring the daily assault on her senses is becoming unbearable.

Should OP approach HR about the issue, risking potential awkwardness with her coworker? Or would it be better to have a candid conversation with the dog's owner, delicately broaching the topic of her pet's pungency?

OP feels bad about her complaining because the dog in question is a rescue

OP feels bad about her complaining because the dog in question is a rescue

OP describes herself as someone who's tolerant of smells, but this dog was too much even for her

OP describes herself as someone who's tolerant of smells, but this dog was too much even for her

The cherry on top is the fact that the owner feeds his dog super smelly food as well

The cherry on top is the fact that the owner feeds his dog super smelly food as well

The dog also pees all over the place and has a farting problem

The dog also pees all over the place and has a farting problem

The dog is old and he can't move around quickly

The dog is old and he can't move around quickly

OP doesn't want to be the one to bring up issues in the office

OP doesn't want to be the one to bring up issues in the office

OP feels like the owner is abusing his privilege

OP feels like the owner is abusing his privilege

The baseline of behavior

The baseline of behavioru/beentheredonethatx2

Just talk to the owner about this

Just talk to the owner about thisu/toratoratori1956

The clues point to a health problem

The clues point to a health problemu/Pen14klub

It's not what the office signed up for

It's not what the office signed up foru/walnutbrain4lyfe


As the days passed, OP was confronted with a dilemma that many office workers face: how to address a sensitive issue without offending anyone.

Should she share her concerns with HR, risking awkwardness? Or would a direct conversation with her coworker be a more appropriate approach?

Finally, OP's journey through the maze of office odors reminds us of the delicate balance between workplace harmony and personal preferences. It's an interesting story about empathy, communication, and, perhaps most importantly, the value of investing in a quality air freshener.
