20 Genius Minds Who Live Life On Expert Mode—Check Out These Hacks They Shared Online

"This is how to eat chips without getting chip dust on your fingers or game controllers."

20 Genius Minds Who Live Life On Expert Mode—Check Out These Hacks They Shared Online

Life hacks, the simple yet ingenious solutions to everyday problems, are a testament to human creativity and ingenuity. These clever tricks can streamline our daily routines, making tasks faster, easier, and more efficient.

From using hair removal cream to unclog drains filled with hair to slicing and refreezing individual pieces of a frozen pizza for convenient future meals, life hacks turn ordinary household items into tools of convenience.

The beauty of these hacks lies not only in their simplicity but also in the shared experience they create. People from all walks of life contribute their unique discoveries to the collective knowledge pool, often sharing their tips online where they can reach a global audience.

This democratization of knowledge allows for a wide range of solutions to common problems, demonstrating that sometimes, the most effective answers are also the most straightforward. By adopting these life hacks, we can not only save time and effort but also approach challenges with a renewed sense of possibility.

The individuals behind these ideas show us that with a little creativity and resourcefulness, we can enhance our daily lives in ways we never thought possible. Moreover, the proliferation of these hacks on social media and dedicated websites fosters a community of like-minded individuals who are eager to experiment and share their findings.

Just take a look at these...

1. “This is how to eat chips without getting chip dust on your fingers or game controllers. My girlfriend is a ridiculous genius.”

1. “This is how to eat chips without getting chip dust on your fingers or game controllers. My girlfriend is a ridiculous genius.”© MissMatchedMiracle / Imgur

2. “A new stylist cut my hair today.”

“She washed my hair in silence for a long time, and then suddenly said, “I’ll tell you a secret, just don’t laugh. One of the best products for washing hair is intimate hygiene gel. It has a very soft and gentle consistency.”

2. “A new stylist cut my hair today.”© cottonbro / Pexels.com

3. “I freshened up the kitchen for $16. I covered the backsplash and the counters in contact paper.”

3. “I freshened up the kitchen for $16. I covered the backsplash and the counters in contact paper.”© DarkGreenSedai / Reddit

4. "To clean a drain filled with hair, just leave cheap hair removal cream in it for 15 minutes."

4. Reddit

5. Upholstery foam is cheap and easy—for those who have a flat couch.

5. Upholstery foam is cheap and easy—for those who have a flat couch.© Hartzler44 / Reddit

6. “My way of recycling disposable masks — they’re stronger and longer than the average twist-ties.”

6. “My way of recycling disposable masks — they’re stronger and longer than the average twist-ties.”© AMELTEA / Reddit

7. “Some cheap dye made my old backpack look new again.”

7. “Some cheap dye made my old backpack look new again.”© dogmetal / Reddit

8. To create a mosquito repellent, simply mix a bit of cream or body milk with vanillin in a separate container.

8. To create a mosquito repellent, simply mix a bit of cream or body milk with vanillin in a separate container.Reddit

9. “No more paying for an expensive spice shelf. Instead, my boyfriend made this from old bed slats.”

9. “No more paying for an expensive spice shelf. Instead, my boyfriend made this from old bed slats.”© emmabovary238 / Reddit

10. “I write down all my text carefully. When the class is over, I sell my notes to younger students.”

10. “I write down all my text carefully. When the class is over, I sell my notes to younger students.”© Monstera / Pexels.com

11. “A life hack from my mother-in-law: If the house is a mess and your guests say that they’ll be over in an hour...”

“You won’t have enough time to do general cleaning, but you can wash the dishes and floors for 1 hour. If your floors are clean, it means your house isn’t dirty, even if it’s messy.”

11. “A life hack from my mother-in-law: If the house is a mess and your guests say that they’ll be over in an hour...”© Liza Summer / Pexels.com

12. “I use a magnetic knife holder for tools.”

12. “I use a magnetic knife holder for tools.”© teewyesoen / Reddit

13. “When I realized that I ate too much while watching TV, I stopped eating and started embroidering.”

13. “When I realized that I ate too much while watching TV, I stopped eating and started embroidering.”© Depositphotos.com, © cottonbro / Pexels.com

14. “To remove grease from plastic containers, I pour a drop of dishwashing liquid and boiling water in them.”

“Then I close them, shake them, pour out the boiling water, wipe all corners with a sponge, and rinse them.”

14. “To remove grease from plastic containers, I pour a drop of dishwashing liquid and boiling water in them.”© Depositphotos.com

15. “You need to put a cotton disc wet with aroma oil into the vacuum cleaner container.”

“This way, your home will smell nice during cleaning.”

15. “You need to put a cotton disc wet with aroma oil into the vacuum cleaner container.”

16. “I asked for the room prices at the reception desk in a hotel. When I learned them, I immediately booked the room via Booking.com with a big discount in the same hotel.”

16. “I asked for the room prices at the reception desk in a hotel. When I learned them, I immediately booked the room via Booking.com with a big discount in the same hotel.”© Depositphotos.com

17. Slice a frozen pizza into individual portions before refreezing, so you can easily grab and cook only what you need later.

17.  Slice a frozen pizza into individual portions before refreezing, so you can easily grab and cook only what you need later.© Gousf / Reddit

18. “I pour detergent into a thick sock, tie it up, and put it inside bedding and blankets for summer.”

18. “I pour detergent into a thick sock, tie it up, and put it inside bedding and blankets for summer.”© Depositphotos.com

19. “I began to work as an administrator in a gym because I wanted to bulk up but didn’t have money for a gym or an instructor.”

“Now I work and study there. They also pay money.”

19. “I began to work as an administrator in a gym because I wanted to bulk up but didn’t have money for a gym or an instructor.”© Bruno Bueno / Pexels.com

20. “I love young potatoes. When I need to peel one, I just use some metal mesh for frying pans.”

“I rub a potato with it, and then move onto the next one.”

20. “I love young potatoes. When I need to peel one, I just use some metal mesh for frying pans.”Reddit

In the grand theater of life, where everyday tasks are the unscripted scenes, life hacks are the clever ad-libs that steal the show. They remind us that brilliance often lies in simplicity, proving that sometimes the best way to tackle a complex world is with a simple twist of ingenuity.

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