These Reddit Posts Show Why Helping Slacker Classmates Is A Bad Idea

A slacker student asks his classmate for his exam notes because he didn’t want to take any.

  • Published in Funny
These Reddit Posts Show Why Helping Slacker Classmates Is A Bad Idea

Everyone hates slackers. Even slackers hate slackers because they don’t really see themselves as slackers.

They believe that it is their birthright to be helped everywhere and by everyone, all the time. And that they are not required to do anything… I am so sorry, Your Highness, I didn’t recognize you.

And that leads to many interesting situations because most people don’t share their vision of how the world works.

We have here a classic example from one college, where a slacker student demands his birthright, exam notes in this case.

Read through the following posts and see if it reminds you of someone you know.

It started out as a relatively normal conversation. A person asking for help. Nothing curious about that.

It started out as a relatively normal conversation. A person asking for help. Nothing curious about that.yallno

But then the confusion starts.

But then the confusion starts.yallno

And that person is not helping to end the confusion.

And that person is not helping to end the confusion.yallno

Maybe because the canvas gives him anxiety.

Maybe because the canvas gives him anxiety.yallno

Is there a Nobel prize for patience? We have a candidate.

Is there a Nobel prize for patience? We have a candidate.yallno

But our slacker is now furious.

But our slacker is now furious.yallno

This person is unbelievable.

This person is unbelievable.yallno

There is no use arguing. The best thing to do is just end the conversation and ignore it.

There is no use arguing. The best thing to do is just end the conversation and ignore it.yallno

If you have similar experiences, share them with us in the comment section.
