AITA For Skipping My Stepdaughter's Birthday After My Son Was Disinvited

A blended family faces a birthday bash conflict, sparking questions about fairness and loyalty.

AITA For Skipping My Stepdaughter's Birthday After My Son Was Disinvited

In the intricate dance of blending families, conflicts can arise that test the bonds and loyalties within the new unit. A woman finds herself at the center of such a conflict when her stepdaughter's 13th birthday celebration becomes a point of contention.

Having supported her fiancé through significant challenges, including drug addiction and rehabilitation, she has played a substantial role in raising his daughter. However, the harmony of their blended family is disrupted when her fiancé informs her that her 15-year-old son from a previous relationship is no longer welcome at the birthday party due to concerns about him overshadowing the birthday girl with her boyfriend.

Feeling that her son’s sudden exclusion is unfair, especially given his anticipation and good relationship with his stepsister's boyfriend, she decides to make a brief appearance at the party to drop off a gift but chooses not to stay, prioritizing her son's feelings.

Her decision is not received well by her fiancé, who accuses her of overreacting, while his mother intervenes, suggesting a misunderstanding that the daughter never requested her brother's exclusion.

Torn between her fiancé's expectations and her son's hurt feelings, she opts for a day out at the movies and an arcade with her son, only for an awkward encounter at the mall to cut their outing short.

The story

The story

My son was upset about being uninvited

My son was upset about being uninvited

I did not tell my son that my fiancé was the person who uninvited him

I did not tell my son that my fiancé was the person who uninvited him

For all those asking, I have no idea why he wanted to disinvite my son.

For all those asking, I have no idea why he wanted to disinvite my son.

This is definitely a fiance problem.

This is definitely a fiance problem.

Or why they're getting 3rd degree burns...

Or why they're getting 3rd degree burns...

Yeah this screams “new me, new life” from the fiancé, he’s ready to get married, sober and has a newish baby. stepson is old baggage and needs to be kept out of his shiny new family. That his daughter remains is natural, cause she’s HIS, duh, and OP raised her anyways so what’s the big deal.

Yeah this screams “new me, new life” from the fiancé, he’s ready to get married, sober and has a newish baby. stepson is old baggage and needs to be kept out of his shiny new family. That his daughter remains is natural, cause she’s HIS, duh, and OP raised her anyways so what’s the big deal.

Hope you consider that and really get to the bottom of this BEFORE you get officially married.

Hope you consider that and really get to the bottom of this BEFORE you get officially married.



If the step-daughter has a mother, why did OP raise her while fiancé was in jail and rehab? Something tells me her mother is not in her life.

If the step-daughter has a mother, why did OP raise her while fiancé was in jail and rehab? Something tells me her mother is not in her life.

This if she stays it'll only get worse. He'll push her son right out of her life. I hope she does the right thing and gets out now.

This if she stays it'll only get worse. He'll push her son right out of her life. I hope she does the right thing and gets out now.

No it doesnt look like we will be staying together. Hes broken something that cant be fixed.

No it doesnt look like we will be staying together. Hes broken something that cant be fixed.

It also seems like (waiting for clarification) she was willing to allow her son to keep believing his sister uninvited him, and not clarify who the actual un-inviter actually was.

It also seems like (waiting for clarification) she was willing to allow her son to keep believing his sister uninvited him, and not clarify who the actual un-inviter actually was.

NTA. As with ALL invitations, you're not the AH if you decline for any reason or no reason at all, including who else is or is not invited. You're doing right to have your son's back. Your fiance, his daughter and his mother need to get their stories straight. It seems like your fiance is the AH here.

NTA. As with ALL invitations, you're not the AH if you decline for any reason or no reason at all, including who else is or is not invited.  You're doing right to have your son's back. Your fiance, his daughter and his mother need to get their stories straight. It seems like your fiance is the AH here.

It just seems to be the fiance. The kids don't seem to have an issue, it's the fiance that didn't want the kid there. Who knows why, but my bet is probably because you know, not his kid.

It just seems to be the fiance. The kids don't seem to have an issue, it's the fiance that didn't want the kid there. Who knows why, but my bet is probably because you know, not his kid.