Woman Gives Dog To Her Sister Due To Her Abusive Partner, Now She Wants The Dog Back After 4 Years Of Him Bonding With Her Sister's Family

“The dog stays!”

Woman Gives Dog To Her Sister Due To Her Abusive Partner, Now She Wants The Dog Back After 4 Years Of Him Bonding With Her Sister's Family

Dogs are incredible creatures. And if you did a quick research on them, you’d find that this is for multiple reasons. They are the cuddliest partners you could ever ask for, and they have numerous health benefits, too, such as reducing stress and improving heart rates.

Unfortunately, not everyone is a dog lover. Are they missing out on a lot? Quite frankly, yet. However, you can’t blame them. There are many reasons why people don’t like dogs.

For some, it’s the responsibility of owning a dog, as dogs require attention and money to cater to. For other people, they can’t stand dogs because of allergies, and for some, it’s just because they are cat lovers and they have no space for another cutie in their life.

In our opinion, there’s no such thing as too many cuties! We found a story on the AITA subreddit about a woman who gave her dog away because her abusive partner didn’t like having it around.

However, that’s not what this story is really about. It’s more about what happened four years after she gave her dog to her sister.

Four years after giving her dog away, she requested it back from her sister, who refused to return it. Scroll down to read the full story, as shared by her sister.

Details of the story

Details of the storyReddit.com

Apparently, OP's sister's partner isn't a dog lover, which forced her to give Ribbon away. Now she's back for the dog after 4 whole years.

Apparently,  OP's sister's partner isn't a dog lover, which forced her to give Ribbon away. Now she's back for the dog after 4 whole years.Reddit.com

OP isn't about to give Ribbon away without a fight.

OP isn't about to give Ribbon away without a fight.Reddit.com

Here's how the Reddit community reacted to the story:

"She wants the dog back after four years? LMAO. She's out of her mind."


"If she wants something that she can give away & take back on the whims of whoever she's screwing, she can get a stuffed animal."


"She should look into adopting another pet. She voluntarily let Ribbon go, but you aren't, and it's not up to her."


"This is not a stuffed animal that you can pass back and forth."


"NTA - you've given Ribbon a loving home for four years. Once she decided to marry her ex, she effectively made giving Ribbon away a permanent decision."


"NTA. Your sister chose an abusive bf, then husband, over her dog."


"If she is serious, then she should reimburse you for all food, vet bills, medications for last 4 years. Plus a boarding fee."


"Your sister can get another dog and you guys can have puppy dates so that Ribbon is still part of her life."


"You raised the dog, you spent money on the vet bills, food, toys, grooming, and presumably the dog is chipped and in your name. He's your dog."


"What happens when her next relationship isn't conducive to keeping Ribbon a permanent part of her family."


"How quickly would she kick the dog to the curb again if her next BF doesn't like dogs?"


"Maybe this is judgmental on my part but if any guy told me I had to get rid of my dog before we move in together, it would be game over for us."


"If I had to temporarily give up one of my cats, I'd have come visit them every chance I got."


When you’re too adorable, it’s normal to have two people fighting over you. That’s why we understand why OP and her sister are unwilling to let go of the dog.

However, the commenters all agree that OP is NTA, as Ribbon is now fully settled in a loving and caring home.

Some argued on behalf of the dog, stating that it would be confusing for it to be rehomed once again after getting used to its new family.

Do you think OP is the A-hole for refusing to return the dog? Let us know in the comments below!
