Woman Wrongly Accuses Sister-In-Law Of Theft Of Lost Necklace, Strains Marriage With Refusal To Apologize

"The most alarming thing about your wife's behavior during this entire incident is her continued refusal to apologize to your sister."

Woman Wrongly Accuses Sister-In-Law Of Theft Of Lost Necklace, Strains Marriage With Refusal To Apologize

A married couple had their first big argument after the 31-year-old's wife accused his younger sister of theft. OP's 27-year-old sister, Amber, visited for a few days when his wife, Sara, realized that one of her necklaces was missing.

OP helped Sara search their house from top to bottom without much luck. That was when Sara suggested that Amber might have taken her necklace.

OP immediately put a stop to his wife's train of thought. He reassured her that his sister would never steal anything.

On the day of Amber's departure, Sara told OP she wanted to search the guest room before his sister left. OP asked his wife not to and reiterated that his sister was not a thief.

OP had to leave for work, although he realized his wife was not convinced about his sister's innocence. He knew something happened while he wasn't home when he drove his sister to the train station.

Amber looked upset and was more silent than usual. OP eventually persuaded his sister to tell him what had happened.

Amber reluctantly allowed Sara to search her room for the missing necklace. Sara was not satisfied when she didn't find her jewelry and asked to search Amber's bags.

Amber didn't want to argue with Sara, so she complied with the request. Sara's suspicions were proved wrong when her necklace wasn't stashed in any of Amber's bags.

OP was furious. He fervently apologized to his sister. He promised that he would address the issue with Sara.

OP was furious. He fervently apologized to his sister. He promised that he would address the issue with Sara.u/Extra-Perception-79

Amber asked him not to because she did not want to make things awkward between her and Sara. OP told Amber she should worry about that because what his wife did was unacceptable.

Amber asked him not to because she did not want to make things awkward between her and Sara. OP told Amber she should worry about that because what his wife did was unacceptable.u/Extra-Perception-79

OP confronted Sara when he got home. Sara said she needed to be sure and accused Amber of acting suspiciously.

OP confronted Sara when he got home. Sara said she needed to be sure and accused Amber of acting suspiciously.u/Extra-Perception-79

She also said Amber was superficially nice to her. OP told his wife that she violated his sister's privacy.

She also said Amber was superficially nice to her. OP told his wife that she violated his sister's privacy.u/Extra-Perception-79

Sara said she was trying to protect her possessions, and she did not intend to be disrespectful. OP cut her off and said it was enough when Sara tried to attack Amber's behavior. He told her he didn't want to hear anything more about the necklace unless it was an apology directed to Amber.

Sara said she was trying to protect her possessions, and she did not intend to be disrespectful. OP cut her off and said it was enough when Sara tried to attack Amber's behavior. He told her he didn't want to hear anything more about the necklace unless it was an apology directed to Amber.u/Extra-Perception-79

There was a way to look for the necklace in Amber's room without making her feel like a jewelry thief.

There was a way to look for the necklace in Amber's room without making her feel like a jewelry thief.Alarming_Reply_6286

Sara handled the situation poorly. Her refusal to apologize to Amber even after her search yielded no results is not a great sign.

Sara handled the situation poorly. Her refusal to apologize to Amber even after her search yielded no results is not a great sign.Extra-Perception-79

Amber should be more offended that Sara was immediately convinced of her guilt without an ounce of tangible proof.

Amber should be more offended that Sara was immediately convinced of her guilt without an ounce of tangible proof.Elenardb, Extra-Perception-79

I wouldn't blame Amber if she didn't visit them again after the humiliation Sara subjected her to.

I wouldn't blame Amber if she didn't visit them again after the humiliation Sara subjected her to.Legitimate_Bison3756

Sara's indignance that she did nothing wrong or disrespectful towards Amber should worry OP. Her lack of accountability for the damage she caused is appalling.

Sara's indignance that she did nothing wrong or disrespectful towards Amber should worry OP. Her lack of accountability for the damage she caused is appalling.Tacos-and-zonkeys

Sara needs a serious reality check if she doesn't think she acted unfairly towards her sister-in-law.

Sara needs a serious reality check if she doesn't think she acted unfairly towards her sister-in-law.happysunshyne

If they suddenly found the necklace elsewhere, would that be enough for Sara to apologize to Amber?

If they suddenly found the necklace elsewhere, would that be enough for Sara to apologize to Amber?PracticallyGone123, DeeVa72

They did find the necklace a few days after OP's post. It was in Sara's car all along. She didn't want to tell Amber, nor did she feel the urge to apologize. OP told his sister what had happened.

They did find the necklace a few days after OP's post. It was in Sara's car all along. She didn't want to tell Amber, nor did she feel the urge to apologize. OP told his sister what had happened.u/Extra-Perception-79

Amber will never see her sister-in-law the same way ever again. If anything, Amber should be more cautious whenever Sara is around before she frames her for something to "prove" her baseless suspicions.

Some Redditors believed that the necklace was never missing. They said it was Sara's way to discourage Amber or any of his family from visiting their house.
