Woman Falsely Accuses Sister Of Identity Theft And Now Expects Her To Help Regain Custody Of Her Daughter

Everyone they knew believed her because her sister was an alcoholic that time. She hasn't even apologized for the false accusation.

Woman Falsely Accuses Sister Of Identity Theft And Now Expects Her To Help Regain Custody Of Her Daughter

A 37-year-old's complex history with her younger sister prevented her from extending help during a dire family situation. When the OP was in active alcoholism, her sister falsely accused her of stealing her identity to get an apartment.

She spread her accusation to everyone they knew, even when OP profusely denied it. It was later proven that a stranger stole her sister's identity from her workplace and used it to secure an apartment.

Her sister offered OP no apologies and didn't rescind her accusations. The damage was done to OP's reputation and their sibling relationship.

It has been six years since OP last spoke to her sister. Their recent indirect contact happened because her sister needed help with her daughter's custody.

OP's mom said her sister was in the middle of a messy divorce with her husband of three years. Her sister wants to fight her ex-husband's sole custody of their daughter and needs OP's help to do so.

OP's sister-in-law is one of the top family law attorneys in their area. Her sister-in-law declined to take her sister's case because of how it could affect OP.

OP's mom wants her to smooth things out with her sister-in-law for her estranged sister's sake. She said OP should be willing to help her sister despite what happened.

OP was offended by her mom's casual categorization of what happened as a thing of the past she should easily get over with.

OP was offended by her mom's casual categorization of what happened as a thing of the past she should easily get over with.DoctorSugarPuss

To OP, never having met her niece, and her sister's continuous refusal to be around her made the issue ever present.

To OP, never having met her niece, and her sister's continuous refusal to be around her made the issue ever present.DoctorSugarPuss

Was OP an a**hole for not letting bygones be bygones to help her sister with her current issue?

Was OP an a**hole for not letting bygones be bygones to help her sister with her current issue?DoctorSugarPuss

Redditors reassured OP that her reaction was understandable. She and her sister do not have a relationship.

Redditors reassured OP that her reaction was understandable. She and her sister do not have a relationship.MercyForNone

She didn't even apologize for what she did to OP all those years ago. While she has no obligation to do that now, she also shouldn't expect any help from the sister she alienated.

She didn't even apologize for what she did to OP all those years ago. While she has no obligation to do that now, she also shouldn't expect any help from the sister she alienated.DoctorSugarPuss

Her sister doesn't get a pass to disrespect and drag OP through the mud because she is family.

Her sister doesn't get a pass to disrespect and drag OP through the mud because she is family.Vandreeson

Besides, OP cannot strongarm her sister-in-law into taking the case. What exactly do they expect OP to do anyway?

Besides, OP cannot strongarm her sister-in-law into taking the case. What exactly do they expect OP to do anyway?AccountMitosis

OP said she needed the reminder from the comments that her sister and her family are strangers to her now.

OP said she needed the reminder from the comments that her sister and her family are strangers to her now.DoctorSugarPuss

"You don't get a pass on basic civility because you are family."


OP's SIL can't be the only top-rated family law attorney her sister could hire.

OP's SIL can't be the only top-rated family law attorney her sister could hire.Fiesty_tofu

It's also possible that OP's SIL declined the case for some other reason other than sparing OP's feelings.

It's also possible that OP's SIL declined the case for some other reason other than sparing OP's feelings.My_igloo_is_melting

OP shared the reason why her sister's ex-husband sued for emergency custody of their daughter.

OP shared the reason why her sister's ex-husband sued for emergency custody of their daughter.DoctorSugarPuss

OP found clarity and reassurance that she did the right thing from the supportive comments. Her sister ruined whatever goodwill OP had left with their relatives and acquaintances when she badmouthed her.

She treated OP like a pariah then and now — the last thing she should expect from her is help. In OP's place, would you have advocated for your estranged sister despite the tenuous relationship?
