Woman Calls Out Sister For Imitating Her Life Choices, Mom Accuses Her Of Being An 'Evil Stepsister,' Saying She Simply Admires Her

"My mom called me TA as I keep trying to prove to her what my sister is copying, though this is literally the only way I know to try to get her to stop."

Woman Calls Out Sister For Imitating Her Life Choices, Mom Accuses Her Of Being An 'Evil Stepsister,' Saying She Simply Admires Her

This particular Reddit post uncovers a complicated sibling relationship, where one sister feels that her boundaries have been consistently violated by the other. The older sister, aged 28, shares her frustration over her younger sibling's persistent pattern of copying her life choices and decisions.

The younger sister, aged 26, has a history of selfishness and bullying behavior that has led to strained relationships within the family. Despite these issues, their mother seems to have a soft spot for the younger sister, who lacks connections with friends and other family members.

The older sister becomes increasingly bothered when her sibling enrolls in the same university for a Master's degree despite having previously pursued a different field of study. This decision is followed by a series of events where the younger sister copies motivational letters, secures a job at one of her sister's previous agencies, and even attends a conference where her older sister is a speaker.

Frustrated by her sister's persistent emulation, the older sister confronts her and encourages her to establish her own identity. She also tries to persuade her mother to intervene, as their mother is the only person who seems to have influence over the younger sister.

However, the mother dismisses the older sister's concerns, believing that the younger sister's actions stem from admiration rather than jealousy. She downplays the situation, referring to it as "cute" that the younger sister is trying to follow in her older sibling's footsteps.

Just take a look at the original post...

Two siblings, aged 26 and 28 (OP), have a strained relationship due to the younger sister's bullying and selfishness.

Despite the family's distance from her, the mother maintains a soft spot for her as she struggles to connect with others.

Two siblings, aged 26 and 28 (OP), have a strained relationship due to the younger sister's bullying and selfishness.Reddit

Last year, OP's sister enrolled in a different-country Master's program in a different faculty at OP's university, initially causing concern, but it was swiftly dismissed since OP had already graduated.

Last year, OP's sister enrolled in a different-country Master's program in a different faculty at OP's university, initially causing concern, but it was swiftly dismissed since OP had already graduated.Reddit

Last year, the sister copied OP's motivation letters, landed a job at one of their former agencies in a different field, and considered applying to OP's current agency if her current job didn't suit her.

Last year, the sister copied OP's motivation letters, landed a job at one of their former agencies in a different field, and considered applying to OP's current agency if her current job didn't suit her.Reddit

The breaking point for OP was discovering the sister's sneaky attendance at their unrelated conference by pretending to have a cancer connection, which the mom dismissed as a mere admiration for OP's speaking abilities.

The breaking point for OP was discovering the sister's sneaky attendance at their unrelated conference by pretending to have a cancer connection, which the mom dismissed as a mere admiration for OP's speaking abilities.Reddit

OP advised their sister and mom to pursue their own paths, but as the sister continued to mimic their choices in different countries, they were labeled obsessed.

OP advised their sister and mom to pursue their own paths, but as the sister continued to mimic their choices in different countries, they were labeled obsessed.Reddit

OP suspects their sister's jealousy drives her copying, causing their estrangement, while their parents find the sister's attempts to get closer "cute" despite OP's avoidance.

OP suspects their sister's jealousy drives her copying, causing their estrangement, while their parents find the sister's attempts to get closer Reddit

OP worries about their sister imitating their life, even considering working at the same agency and sharing a school district. They hesitate to address it, fearing they'll seem obsessive or bitter.

OP worries about their sister imitating their life, even considering working at the same agency and sharing a school district. They hesitate to address it, fearing they'll seem obsessive or bitter.Reddit

In an update, OP expresses gratitude for the comments and discusses considering options to address their sister's behavior, including maintaining distance and avoiding sharing specific information with their mother.

In an update, OP expresses gratitude for the comments and discusses considering options to address their sister's behavior, including maintaining distance and avoiding sharing specific information with their mother.Reddit

Here's what people have to say:

Here's what people have to say:Reddit

Hopefully, the sister doesn't start imitating her wardrobe and hobbies next!

Hopefully, the sister doesn't start imitating her wardrobe and hobbies next!Reddit

It's akin to a game of hide and seek with a copycat.

It's akin to a game of hide and seek with a copycat.Reddit

OP should regain control by guarding their personal information more closely.

OP should regain control by guarding their personal information more closely.Reddit

Names don't define qualifications...

Names don't define qualifications...Reddit

Copying fashion and attending the same university is one thing, but sneaking into a conference is too much.

Copying fashion and attending the same university is one thing, but sneaking into a conference is too much.Reddit

Have fun with it, OP. Lol!

Have fun with it, OP. Lol!Reddit

OP should consider discreetly sharing concerns with landlords and HR to prevent unintentional support for her behavior.

OP should consider discreetly sharing concerns with landlords and HR to prevent unintentional support for her behavior.Reddit

Well, while flattery is nice, identity theft is a bit too far for a compliment.

Well, while flattery is nice, identity theft is a bit too far for a compliment.Reddit

Secure a new job on the down-low!

Secure a new job on the down-low!Reddit

OP can discreetly inform HR about their preference not to work with their sister.

OP can discreetly inform HR about their preference not to work with their sister.Reddit



Their friend's surprise move to the same country for a non-existent opportunity felt like a game of hide-and-seek gone wrong. NTA, and clear communication is definitely needed.

Their friend's surprise move to the same country for a non-existent opportunity felt like a game of hide-and-seek gone wrong. NTA, and clear communication is definitely needed.Reddit

Blocking her on LinkedIn and briefing HR is the savvy way to dodge any copycat chaos.

Blocking her on LinkedIn and briefing HR is the savvy way to dodge any copycat chaos.Reddit

Privacy protection is essential in dealing with this situation.

Privacy protection is essential in dealing with this situation.Reddit

This enabling situation needs proper addressing!

This enabling situation needs proper addressing!Reddit

Safeguarding OP's privacy and peace of mind is the priority here.

Safeguarding OP's privacy and peace of mind is the priority here.Reddit

Information diet would be the key.

Information diet would be the key.Reddit

OP should stop sharing personal updates with their "parents" to avoid information leaks to their sister.

OP should stop sharing personal updates with their Reddit

"Your sister is nuts."


Gray-rocking the family can thwart the sister's copycat tendencies.

Gray-rocking the family can thwart the sister's copycat tendencies.Reddit

If all else fails, consider going no contact.

If all else fails, consider going no contact.Reddit

Sibling imitation is adorable in kids, but adults in their 20s need to be more original.

Sibling imitation is adorable in kids, but adults in their 20s need to be more original.Reddit

It's not uncommon for younger siblings to copy their elders, especially when it's between sisters—but this is completely understandable if it's just with their favorite colors and the way they dress. But copying their careers and everything in their lifestyle in their 20s ain't just cute anymore!

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