Teenagers Refuses To Forge Her Sister's Signature On A $11k Cheque, Mom Decides To Do It Herself
"My sister is not home, nor does she know about the check"

Even in modern times, one of the most prevalent forms of forgery is the creation of counterfeit checks. However, many times, when people forge checks, they also commit other crimes, such as cybercrimes.
One may think that forging a signature is not a serious offense that requires punishment, but it is. No matter how benign or commonplace it may seem, forging a signature is illegal.
The penalties for faking a signature can be severe under federal law, and doing so might result in jail time. So yes, faking a signature is a serious offense.
Nobody should take the potential penalties for signature forgery lightly because it is not a form of fraud that gets away with a simple warning. When deciding the forgery sentence a person will receive, the amount of the victim's loss or the amount of money the defendant made as a result of the forgery is a crucial consideration.
The sanctions are typically more severe the greater the loss amount. Prison time, restitution, asset confiscation, and other penalties are all part of the punishment for forgery.
In today's story, OP's sister got a check in the mail from a scholarship that she had won, but she wasn't around to receive it. Now OP's mom wants to forge her signature so she can cash in the money to help with bills, but the OP was against it.
The OP writes

OP's mom wants her to forge the sister’s signature so she can cash in the money

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the AH:
I believe I might be the asshole because my family needs the money to help with bills.
Redditors trooped to the comments section to air their opinions and we've gathered up a bunch of them for you below

If the funds are used for another thing, she may need to pay it back

Taking a photo of it and showing the sister

Don't do it and put the check somewhere

This Redditor believes this is not a minor thing

It can result in jail time and a large amount in fines

It would be very wrong to steal this money

Taking out what is really a private loan

She will find out and there will be problems

The OP should the sister what the mom is planning as soon as possible

The OP added this edit to let everyone know what transpired

Any dishonest conduct performed to obtain a benefit, create a loss, or impede the performance of a public task or function is a felony that carries serious punishments, including prison or jail, and people can be put in jail for forging a signature. Therefore, up to 10 years in prison could be the outcome of signature fabrication.
OP's mom had better snap out of it before she lands herself in trouble.
