Woman Tells Her New Boyfriend About Her Plans To Become A Single Mother Despite Her Fear That He Would Leave, It Goes Better Than Planned

Honesty is the best policy, right?

Woman Tells Her New Boyfriend About Her Plans To Become A Single Mother Despite Her Fear That He Would Leave, It Goes Better Than Planned

We're back again today to share another Reddit AITA post update that we discovered. These updates are always awesome because we love following along with the story and seeing what happens after the original post.

This up date turned out great, and we love when stories turn out awesome like that. People really pushed OP to make a decision in her previous post on telling her new boyfriend of her plans to be a single mother.

We agree that this is what she should do, as it would be unfair to continue the relationship if he ended up not being on board with it. Ultimately, the post blew up, and people commented a lot on it, which is why we love that we have an update to share.

She ended up telling him, and this update post is what will show how he responded and where the couple is now after she told him the truth. If you're interested in hearing about the update and want to see the original post - then stay tuned.

We're going to dive in and check out this full update on the whole situation, as well as the best comments left by others in response to this situation.

OP starts off first with linking their original post before starting the update.

OP starts off first with linking their original post before starting the update.GirlWithInternet

This woman goes on to explain that she asked if she should tell her new boyfriend that she wants to be a single mother.

This woman goes on to explain that she asked if she should tell her new boyfriend that she wants to be a single mother.GirlWithInternet

She said she explained the situation to her new boyfriend and explains that she knew that wasn't what he signed up for.

She said she explained the situation to her new boyfriend and explains that she knew that wasn't what he signed up for.GirlWithInternet

She said that she's now in a committed relationship with him and he is in full support of what she's deciding to do.

She said that she's now in a committed relationship with him and he is in full support of what she's deciding to do.GirlWithInternet

He is happy that she was honest about her situation and it seems that she's happy that she told him.

He is happy that she was honest about her situation and it seems that she's happy that she told him.GirlWithInternet

She thanks everyone for their advice and basically says that she is happy she followed their advice.

She thanks everyone for their advice and basically says that she is happy she followed their advice.GirlWithInternet

She also posted an edit and explains that it got a lot of attention. She's happy with her decision and we are happy that things worked out for her.

She also posted an edit and explains that it got a lot of attention. She's happy with her decision and we are happy that things worked out for her.GirlWithInternet

People were happy for her and explained that they are glad things worked out in her favor.

People were happy for her and explained that they are glad things worked out in her favor.Princesstiy

Regardless of what happens, everyone is happy that she's getting what she wants with the support of her boyfriend.

Regardless of what happens, everyone is happy that she's getting what she wants with the support of her boyfriend.DazzleLove

People are encouraging her to not have a baby with her boyfriend because they've only been together a few months.

People are encouraging her to not have a baby with her boyfriend because they've only been together a few months.super_common_name

People are also worried a bit about the guy but we will see what really happens in the end.

People are also worried a bit about the guy but we will see what really happens in the end.Reddit

People were also wondering more about what the agreements were going to be and what kind of plans they had.

People were also wondering more about what the agreements were going to be and what kind of plans they had.deadletter

This update ended up being exactly what we were ho[pong for, and we're just so glad that things worked out in their favor. It's important to be honest in this type of situation, but we understand why she might not have wanted to tell him.

What do you think about this update?
