Silhouettes Of Iconic Disney Characters Are Still So Easy To Identify Thanks To This Artist's Finer Details

What a cool concept!

  • Published in Disney
Silhouettes Of Iconic Disney Characters Are Still So Easy To Identify Thanks To This Artist's Finer Details

Dutch artist and illustrator Willemijn is all about Disney's life. She's been creating series of Disney characters re-imagined in different ways for nearly a decade, and she's most definitely good at it.

In this series, she re-created 15 Disney Princesses as silhouettes, with only some of their most iconic and recognizable features giving us undeniable clues as to who is who. A faceless, all-black character with just the right hair and accessories is transformed from an unusual concept to really cool art thanks to Willemijn.

You may recognize her style, she's gone totally viral before and we're sure she will many times to come.

Support the Artist: DeviantArt

1. Merida

1. Meridawillemijn1991

2. Jasmine

2. Jasminewillemijn1991

3. Megara

3. Megarawillemijn1991

4. Cinderella

4. Cinderellawillemijn1991

5. Pocahontas

5. Pocahontaswillemijn1991

6. Tiana

6. Tianawillemijn1991

7. Tinkerbell

7. Tinkerbellwillemijn1991

8. Mulan

8. Mulanwillemijn1991

9. Kida

9. Kidawillemijn1991

10. Belle

10. Bellewillemijn1991

11. Snow White

11. Snow Whitewillemijn1991

12. Esmerelda

12. Esmereldawillemijn1991

13. Rapunzel

13. Rapunzelwillemijn1991

14. Sleeping Beauty

14. Sleeping Beautywillemijn1991

15. Which one was your favorite?

15. Which one was your favorite?willemijn1991

16. Ariel

16. Arielwillemijn1991