SIL Pressured Redditor To Admit Pregnancy At Her Engagement Party, Then Made A Scene And Accused Her Of Ruining Her Event

"I nervously smile and tried to walk away."

SIL Pressured Redditor To Admit Pregnancy At Her Engagement Party, Then Made A Scene And Accused Her Of Ruining Her Event

Every couple desires their engagement party and the wedding to be solely about them. Those days show a reflection of their love and the desire to spend the rest of their lives together.

So, the necessary manners of guests at such events is not to steal a moment from the couple, which means they shouldn't share their good or bad news on the couple's big day. A Reddit user was well aware of those manners, but her future SIL made her talk, and now they are in an uncomfortable situation.

The OP is a 24-year-old woman. She is excitedly expecting her first child with her 29-year-old husband, and they have chosen to keep the pregnancy a secret until a week after a particular party.

The party was at her in-laws' winery, a place of significant familial importance, as it was the chosen location for her sister-in-law Taylor's engagement party. The OP, known among her family and friends for her fondness for wine, had to alter her usual habits due to her pregnancy.

At the party, she consistently chose water over wine. During the engagement party, while the OP was engaged in conversation with her in-laws, Taylor approached and offered her a glass of wine.

The OP declined, insisting she didn't feel like drinking. Despite her repeated refusals and numerous excuses, Taylor persisted.

The situation escalated when Taylor jokingly inquired if the OP's abstinence was due to pregnancy. Caught off-guard, the OP nervously smiled and attempted to leave the conversation, but this only led to Taylor accusing her of overshadowing her engagement party by revealing her pregnancy.

As a result of this misunderstanding, the OP and her husband have been disinvited from Taylor's wedding. The OP now questions if she was in the wrong for the way she handled the situation at the party.

Here is the OP's problem:

Here is the OP's problem:

OP is pregnant:

OP is pregnant:

But she and her husband decided to keep it a secret till the week after her SIL's engagement party:

But she and her husband decided to keep it a secret till the week after her SIL's engagement party:

During the party, the OP drank water, but her SIL kept offering her wine:

During the party, the OP drank water, but her SIL kept offering her wine:

Finally, SIL asked her if she was pregnant, and the OP tried to avoid conversation:

Finally, SIL asked her if she was pregnant, and the OP tried to avoid conversation:

But her SIL figured it out and accused her of ruining her engagement party:

But her SIL figured it out and accused her of ruining her engagement party:

One Redditor explained that women should be allowed to refuse drinking for other reasons, not only pregnancy

One Redditor explained that women should be allowed to refuse drinking for other reasons, not only pregnancyReddit

Another one agreed

Another one agreedReddit

A girl said she had the same problem

A girl said she had the same problemReddit

It's even worse when the questions come from family, explained another Redditor

It's even worse when the questions come from family, explained another RedditorReddit

It seems like SIL wanted drama

It seems like SIL wanted dramaReddit

SIL was intentionally nosy

SIL was intentionally nosyReddit

The OP wanted to keep it discreet, but SIL was pushing

The OP wanted to keep it discreet, but SIL was pushingReddit

The OP explained what her plans were

The OP explained what her plans wereReddit

A Redditor was curious if others had heard

A Redditor was curious if others had heardReddit

The OP explained they definitely did

The OP explained they definitely didReddit

SIL was looking for an excuse to freak out

SIL was looking for an excuse to freak outReddit

Undoubtedly wrong POV

Undoubtedly wrong POVReddit

The OP should explain to their family what happened

The OP should explain to their family what happenedReddit

Technically, the OP didn't even tell SIL about the pregnancy

Technically, the OP didn't even tell SIL about the pregnancyReddit

The OP did nothing wrong

The OP did nothing wrongReddit

Redditors told the OP that she did nothing wrong. They planned to keep it a secret, but the SIL was pushing, and she intentionally caused a scene.

SIL made drama by knowingly forcing the OP to admit being pregnant. The OP didn't even tell her, so it's solely SIL's fault.
