People Share Signs Of Extremely High Intelligence
Take a look, maybe you are extremely intelligent...

When we talk about Intelligence, we often think about IQ tests and genius-level mathematicians. But there's more to intelligence than just a high IQ score.
In fact, some of the most intelligent people are the ones who know how to use their intuition and gut instinct to make decisions. It often takes a lot of courage to go against the grain and trust your own judgment, but that's what makes these people so smart.
There are also those who can digest and understand complex information quickly. They see the world differently and are able to make connections that others can't.
In truth, there are just so many ways to measure intelligence that it becomes very difficult to pinpoint one definition. It's safe to say that intelligence comes in all shapes and sizes, and it's not always what we expect it to be.
But what if there were signs that undeniably pointed to someone's high cognitive ability? Well, that's exactly what Redditor u/PadWanKenobi asked in a recent post.
The post, titled, "What’s a sign of extremely high intelligence?" quickly went viral, receiving over 5k upvotes and nearly 4k comments
So what did other users have to say? We've gathered the best responses below for your viewing pleasure.
u/PadWanKenobi decided to throw an interesting question out to the Reddit community

Here's how other users responded:
"Ability to intuitively and quickly understand complex systems and how lots of parts relate in a coherent whole."

"Notes are your friend"...Not everyone can process information like a computer

We're sure many of you are scrolling, thinking, "When is someone going to talk about me?". Don't worry; keep scrolling — it's just a matter of time.
We're sure many of you are scrolling, thinking, "When is someone going to talk about me?". Don't worry; keep scrolling — it's just a matter of time.

"They know when not to solve a problem"

"Also, some people can predict exactly where things will go wrong and they could fix it before it creates a problem"

Indeed, knowing when not to solve a problem is a "completely underrated skill"

Wait...what? This has to be a joke

This is hilarious....Giving us "The Professor" vibes

When you put on medicated glasses, everything you say sounds smart

Albert Einstein couldn't have said it any better

"The capacity to understand complex things..."

In other words, the older you get, the wiser you become

So true!

"A passion for knowledge and expanding understanding of complex concepts."

"Putting nacho cheese in the nacho tray at 7 eleven instead of on the chips"

"People that can understand a new concept easily and thoroughly."

This user believes that true intelligence is about being able to break down complex information in an understandable way

"Knowing how much you don't know"

Smart people always listen and inquire

While there is no definitive answer to this question, the responses from the Reddit community provide a wide range of characteristics that could indicate high intelligence.
From being able to think abstractly and critically to having an expansive vocabulary and being able to learn quickly, these traits offer a glimpse into what may constitute intelligent behavior.
So the next time you meet someone who exhibits some or all of these qualities, keep them close – they just might be the next Einstein.
What do you think are some other signs of a highly intelligent person? Let us know in the comments!
