Redditor Wants To Put Down Sick Family Dog, Gets Called Selfish By Parents And Siblings
In their defense, the dog was already dying.
- Published in Interesting
For some people in the universe, their pets mean the world to them. After all, animal companions bring love and joy to many lives.
Especially for family pets–a dog for example–all members of the family are attached to this little creature. They have been there through the family’s achievements and challenges, ups and downs, wins and losses.
It is not unexpected that the possibility of losing that pet can bring fear and break the hearts of the owners who took care of–and maybe sometimes grew up with–this precious animal. Even the thought of it haunts many pet owners’ minds because they know that a time will come when they have to say goodbye and let go.
Today’s Reddit post talks about just that–how their family has a pet dog and that the condition of their pet is grave and seemingly irreversible. They all want the best for her, but they have different opinions on how—or when—to resolve the matter.
It is a big and hard choice–especially since emotions are involved. However, it is also an important choice, one that their beloved Bella really depends on.
Euthanasia–this is the proposal that OP suggested to be done to end their pet’s suffering. Is this an A-hole move?
Let's dive into the post:
RedditOP is the middle child out of three children–he has an older brother (23) and a younger sister (18)–the brother moved back in after college while the sister moved out for college. They have a 15-year-old family dog (Bella) and she is in poor condition–OP did not expect her to look worse than what he had expected.
RedditBella has cancer and can barely walk because of the pain caused by tumors all over her body. There was an instance when OP accidentally brushed on to one of her bumps–Bella bit OP’s hand in response–but this isn’t the reason for OP to suggest euthanizing her.
RedditIn that moment, OP realized the pain that Bella has doubtlessly been enduring–she has never freaked out like that before: to the point where she bites someone. OP feels bad for her and suggested taking her to the vet to help her.
RedditAlthough the parents disagreed, OP took charge and brought her to the vet, still. But, the excursion came back fruitless–Bella’s insides are also filled with tumors and there is nothing they could do about it.
RedditAs expected, Redditors have expressed their worries and concerns about Bella. Here are some of their comments:
This comment is accusing the parents of torturing OP’s dog on purpose. Waiting for the sister to come home is just an excuse.
RedditThis other Redditor agrees with the previous statement. “The most humane thing to do is to euthanize her.”
RedditLet the sister decide based on what she will find out from the veterinarian herself. Stopping Bella’s suffering will be her priority if the sister knows how much pain Bella is in.
RedditThe vet should’ve let them schedule a euthanasia appointment for Bella, knowing her condition. Three weeks is too long of a time to wait–one of the responsibilities of being a pet owner is to end their suffering when their quality of life is no longer there.
RedditThe situation is straight up animal abuse. This Redditor is furious, and many are feeling the same sentiments.
RedditEnding Bella’s pain should be done as soon as possible. Based on what OP said, nothing could be done at this point.
RedditDefinitely NTA. Each day of waiting is another day of their family pet suffering.
RedditIf only they contact the sister and tell her what is up, then she most likely would approve of euthanizing Bella as soon as they can. The sister wouldn’t want Bella to be in pain for so long.
RedditOP thought about informing the sister, and they know that she will go home as soon as she can if she knows Bella’s condition. However, OP is concerned about their sister as well, since she has been stressed from school.
RedditSomething is up with OP’s family–how can they “do nothing”? This Redditor is hoping that Bella is freed from her pain.
RedditA form of solution–let the sister say goodbye to Bella on video call. The ultimate goal is to stop this animal torture.
RedditThe situation sounds like they are trying to fit Bella's condition into their schedule. Big kudos to OP for acting in behalf of Bella's best interest.
RedditThis is not okay. Poor doggo.
RedditOP is out here putting themselves in Bella's shoes. Not everyone does that.
RedditA similar situation. It’s not you, OP–it’s your parents.
RedditEnough said.
RedditOP, you’re not the one being selfish–they are being selfish for still holding on to your dog. Be a responsible pet owner.
RedditPets are loving and wonderful creatures that give humans good company and unconditional love, no matter the circumstance. And if there comes a moment when it is time for the beloved family pet to be let go, it is the owners' responsibility to do anything with their pet's best interest in mind.
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