Woman Refuses To Pay For Treatment That Could Extend Her Dog's Life By Months

Was she wrong for refusing to pay for a painful treatment to extend her dog's life for months?

Woman Refuses To Pay For Treatment That Could Extend Her Dog's Life By Months

MIR1508, a Reddit user, is having issues with her ex-boyfriend after she refused to pay for their dog's treatment. In a post on the AITA subreddit, MIR1508 explained that she and her ex got a dog named Luna while dating but decided to continue handling her expenses together after they broke up.

Luna, a 16 years old Dalmatian, lives with MIR1508's ex because he has a bigger house and a backyard but stays with MIR1508 whenever her ex is out of town. Recently, the dog got sick and needed a blood transfusion.

The vet told MIR1508 and her ex that there are treatments that could help Luna, but the treatments are painful, expensive, and would only give her a couple of months more to live. The vet then recommended that they put her down, but it's up to them to decide.

MIR1508 wants to put down Luna because she believes it isn't fair for her to endure painful treatments only to live for some months. On the other hand, her ex wants the treatment because he believes they should try everything possible to save the dog.

The difference in views caused a big fight between the two, and MIR1508 told her ex he could go ahead with the treatment, but she wouldn't contribute any money to it. MIR1508's ex got upset and decided to fund the treatment alone.

According to MIR1508, Luna isn't getting better since the treatment started, and her ex has refused to let her see the dog. Was MIR1508 wrong for refusing to pay for a treatment she thinks is "useless"?

Here's what the AITA community thinks.

Here's how it began

Here's how it beganu/MIR1508

He wants to go ahead, but she doesn't.

He wants to go ahead, but she doesn't.u/MIR1508

Is she wrong for not wanting to prolong her dog's life? Reddit responds.

Is she wrong for not wanting to prolong her dog's life? Reddit responds.u/MIR1508

Her ex is having difficulty saying goodbye.

Her ex is having difficulty saying goodbye.u/MIR1508

She shouldn't be splitting bills with her ex.

She shouldn't be splitting bills with her ex.u/MIR1508

Putting the dog down was the best thing.

Putting the dog down was the best thing.u/MIR1508

Her ex isn't handling the situation well.

Her ex isn't handling the situation well.u/MIR1508

Her ex's decision to continue treatment is understandable.

Her ex's decision to continue treatment is understandable.u/MIR1508

Letting the dog suffer isn't worth it.

Letting the dog suffer isn't worth it.u/MIR1508

Her ex is not considering what's best for the dog.

Her ex is not considering what's best for the dog.u/MIR1508

Letting Luna suffer pain is cruel.

Letting Luna suffer pain is cruel.u/MIR1508

Actions have consequences.

Actions have consequences.u/MIR1508

She's right, but her ex isn't wrong.

She's right, but her ex isn't wrong.u/MIR1508

Her ex took advantage of her by splitting bills with her.

Her ex took advantage of her by splitting bills with her.u/MIR1508

Her ex is overreacting.

Her ex is overreacting.u/MIR1508

Knowing when to let go is part of being a responsible dog parent.

Knowing when to let go is part of being a responsible dog parent.u/MIR1508

They are both right.

They are both right.u/MIR1508

Don't run into debt trying to save a dog.

Don't run into debt trying to save a dog.u/MIR1508

Goodbyes are hard but necessary sometimes.

Goodbyes are hard but necessary sometimes.u/MIR1508

As long as he's footing the bills, nothing is wrong here.

As long as he's footing the bills, nothing is wrong here.u/MIR1508

Her ex should prioritize the dog's best interest.

Her ex should prioritize the dog's best interest.u/MIR1508

She should get the vet to explain to her ex why it's a bad decision.

She should get the vet to explain to her ex why it's a bad decision.u/MIR1508

Letting her go is the humane thing to do here.

Letting her go is the humane thing to do here.u/MIR1508

She made a reasonable decision by refusing to extend the dog's suffering.

She made a reasonable decision by refusing to extend the dog's suffering.u/MIR1508

Her ex is just not ready to let the dog go.

Her ex is just not ready to let the dog go.u/MIR1508

What Do You Think?

It is easier to agree than disagree because many people often lose it when things don't go their way. However, just because disagreements are difficult doesn't mean you should be a pushover.

It is important to speak your mind and adhere to things you believe. What do you think was the right thing to do?
