Your Birth Order Compared To Your Siblings Can Say A Lot About Who You End Up Becoming

Researchers have spent a lot of time tying to figure out what traits come along with the order...

Your Birth Order Compared To Your Siblings Can Say A Lot About Who You End Up Becoming

For some families, there can be a large difference between the personalities of each child depending on the order in which they were born. Some of us that are the eldest siblings, can have strong beliefs on whether or not we are better than our younger brothers and sisters. Where as some of the last born and youngest siblings would argue that they have plenty of qualities which make them better than the other children in the family. 

What does your place in the family say about you?

There is a common suggestion about the ways in which each child acts, but are these all true?

There is a common suggestion about the ways in which each child acts, but are these all true?Nicole Paulson

There is definitely some clear evidence that shows children born at different times in the same family have different personalities but is this defined by nature or nurture?

Have a look over some of these commonly expressed personalities, and see if your place in the family matches the way you act.

Sibling rivalry is a main part of every sibling growing up. Is it really true that the older one is always the bossiest?

Sibling rivalry is a main part of every sibling growing up. Is it really true that the older one is always the bossiest?Getty Images

There has been a long line of studies produced on what birth order says about a persons qualities and traits.

There has been a long line of studies produced on what birth order says about a persons qualities and traits.

It is still unclear to researchers whether it is purely the birth order that determines these specific traits, or the environment in which the child is exposed to during their up-bringing.

It is still unclear to researchers whether it is purely the birth order that determines these specific traits, or the environment in which the child is exposed to during their up-bringing.Jefferson County Schools

There are some qualities and personality traits that are sure found in siblings depending on when they were born, here are just a few ideas that may relate completely to you and your bossy (or not) siblings. 

Experts suspect that an only child in a family is likely to be mature and composed.

If you think about it, not having brother or sisters to hang out with would require a whole lot of entertainment from parents. This is more likely to show maturity in children as they are exposed to a lot more adult behavior, rather than constantly being with other kids.Experts suspect that an only child in a family is likely to be mature and composed.Diply

But sometimes, the amount of independence only children have can eliminate some other crucial skills.

Not having any siblings to grow up with can seriously change the way in which children are able to co-operate and compromise within a group environment.But sometimes, the amount of independence only children have can eliminate some other crucial skills.Sunlight Academy

The children who are born first tend to be highly motivated and well driven.

Parents spending a lot of one-on-one time with children before they have any other siblings can be the cause for this focus and ambition.The children who are born first tend to be highly motivated and well driven.Mama Love Joy

Bossiness can also be a strong indicator that a child is the first born in the family.

This makes a whole lot of sense, if they were there first. A bossy role takes its place in the kids who were born first.Bossiness can also be a strong indicator that a child is the first born in the family.Armatage

However, this bossiness can also turn into a fight for attention.

However, this bossiness can also turn into a fight for attention.PaNOW

And now for the second born.

Possibly as a reaction to such a bossy older sibling, second born kids are able to develop a skill to compromise.And now for the second born.Diply

The second born and middle kids are able to follow a more routinely and structured lifestyle.

The second born and middle kids are able to follow a more routinely and structured lifestyle.Diply

The youngest kids are more likely to be the craziest and loud!

This may be a result off parents having more boundaries for the older kids, and slacking off with some rules on the youngest.The youngest kids are more likely to be the craziest and loud!iStock

The slacking of boundaries is probably because with each child, parents release their grip a bit as they realize the kids aren't always in danger.

Or maybe they just can't be bothered with the arguments that come along with so many rules.The slacking of boundaries is probably because with each child, parents release their grip a bit as they realize the kids aren't always in danger.

The young ones are especially wild and free.

The young ones are especially wild and free.Giphy

They are also apparently more enjoyable and fun compared to the older siblings in the family.

They are also apparently more enjoyable and fun compared to the older siblings in the family.Empty Lighthouse

When we see our birth order amongst our brothers and sisters, it can really explain a lot about our own personalities. Older brothers might be a nightmare for a little sister, for example. Especially when there are stories like this where a creepy older brother decided that no one was allowed to take his little sister to prom, except for him!  
