Brother Wants To Know If He's Wrong For Not Sharing Cookies With Sister After She Crossed Boundaries

We have heard many stories of sibling drama but this one is a little bit different.

Brother Wants To Know If He's Wrong For Not Sharing Cookies With Sister After She Crossed Boundaries

If you've ever had a sibling then you know how it can be with them when it comes to being friendly but also struggling and fighting. This is very normal for siblings and most all siblings will bicker and fight at some point in their lives.

This brother went to Reddit to explain a situation that happened with his sister and find out if he was wrong for how he reacted. However, in the story you'll recognize why he reacted that way however his parents still called him selfish.

We love going over the AITA threads because it gives up a peek into people's lives while also letting us see different perspectives left in the comment section of the posts. If you love these types of posts then you're sure to enjoy this one especially after reading all the comments and seeing the verdict.

This isn't as drama filled as some of our other posts, but it's a light read for anyone looking for some entertainment today. If this sounds like something you'd like then keep on reading as we dive into this situation, show the original post, and also look at the comments left below.

Let's go ahead and dive into this!

Right off the bat you can kind of tell that these siblings are probably a little young. However, OP continues to tell the story about the cookies.

Right off the bat you can kind of tell that these siblings are probably a little young. However, OP continues to tell the story about the cookies.Hyenahugger

He goes on to explain the situation with his sister and the cookies. You can get a little idea of how the both of them act.

He goes on to explain the situation with his sister and the cookies. You can get a little idea of how the both of them act.Hyenahugger

This is how the post ends with OP saying how their mom reacted and that they told their sister no to the cookies.

This is how the post ends with OP saying how their mom reacted and that they told their sister no to the cookies.Hyenahugger

People started commenting with sympathy for them and explained that this can be normal for kids.

People started commenting with sympathy for them and explained that this can be normal for kids.Dipping_My_Toes

Some people already pointed out how OP and the sister sound quite young.

Some people already pointed out how OP and the sister sound quite young.FlickaFeline

People ultimately said OP was NTA, but that this issue isn't pressing at all.

People ultimately said OP was NTA, but that this issue isn't pressing at all.RezeTheGreat

Some people even made it a point to call out how they were not sanitary after the situation happened.

Some people even made it a point to call out how they were not sanitary after the situation happened.mishka1776

Either the sister will grow out of it or she will grow to learn that doing this is not okay or sanitary.

Either the sister will grow out of it or she will grow to learn that doing this is not okay or sanitary.grandiosebetafish

Someone even suggested that they share articles with her about the dangers of eating raw cookie dough.

Someone even suggested that they share articles with her about the dangers of eating raw cookie dough.Zealousideal-Bet-417

This comment was a bit random but really just called out their baking skills.

This comment was a bit random but really just called out their baking skills.barwhalis

There was one singular comment that said "YTA" to OP and it got 9 dislikes, so we'd say that means OP is probably NTA in this situation.

There was one singular comment that said Remote-Bridge-5003

Simply put, but clearly OP is NTA in this situation no matter what because they didn't really do anything wrong.

Simply put, but clearly OP is NTA in this situation no matter what because they didn't really do anything wrong.NetOdd8878

Clearly, you can tell by this post that the siblings are probably young and just don't have the means to solve these minuscule issues without going to Reddit. People in the comments were nice and let OP know that they were NTA in this situation but that they should learn to solve their issues together.

What do you think about this sibling bringing the cookie fiasco to Reddit for more opinions?
