Woman Tells Older Sister To Shut Up And Listen To Her Oldest Kid, Sister Gets Defensive Instead Of Correcting Herself

"She said I was rude for telling her to shut up."

Woman Tells Older Sister To Shut Up And Listen To Her Oldest Kid, Sister Gets Defensive Instead Of Correcting Herself

When a child is grounded, their rights are restricted for a predetermined amount of time in order to make them reflect on their behavior and come up with solutions to make it right. This method of discipline aids in teaching kids the significance of reasonable bounds and boundaries as well as the repercussions of breaking the law.  

Grounding kids helps parents enforce rules in a manner. However, the efficacy of this strategy depends on how a parent employs it.

Harsh penalties don't work to change a child's conduct.  Instead, they only fuel animosity.  If you discipline your kid too severely, he won't be considering the repercussions of his actions, only his resentment toward you.

He will only come to believe that you are unreasonable and unfair if you administer harsh penalties. However, this happens to be one of the easiest parenting pitfalls to commit. 

When you punish your kid severely, often in anger, you're not thinking about how to help them make better decisions in the future; instead, you're focused on winning the argument. In today's story, the OP mentioned that her older sister is the type of parent who never grounds her kids, even when they act up.

She got to sit her sister down to tell her to listen more to her older kids but instead, she held unto the fact that she was told to shut up.

And here is the story's title...

And here is the story's title...Reddit

The OP and her partner do want kids eventually but for now, they are just traveling around and working from the RV

The OP and her partner do want kids eventually but for now, they are just traveling around and working from the RVReddit

The OP and her partner tried to get him to talk and he said he would if they got him Taco Bell

The OP and her partner tried to get him to talk and he said he would if they got him Taco BellReddit

The OP's sister is the type of parent who never grounds her kids, even when they act up

The OP's sister is the type of parent who never grounds her kids, even when they act upReddit

Her 10 y/o has good grades but hates sports and the friends he attracts are toxic

Her 10 y/o has good grades but hates sports and the friends he attracts are toxicReddit

And the comments from other Redditors roll in...

And the comments from other Redditors roll in...Reddit

You can just take the older one

You can just take the older oneReddit

Grounding is probably not going to help

Grounding is probably not going to helpReddit

She is enabling the bad behavior which is the 10 year old is exhibiting

She is enabling the bad behavior which is the 10 year old is exhibitingReddit

She needs to parent

She needs to parentReddit

You told her the truth she didn't like hearing

You told her the truth she didn't like hearingReddit

Why did she even ask for help?

Why did she even ask for help?Reddit

He only attracts the wrong crowd

He only attracts the wrong crowdReddit

Someone needed to stand up for him

Someone needed to stand up for himReddit

You haven't exactly handled this with tact and compassion

You haven't exactly handled this with tact and compassionReddit

The OP is worried her sister is hurting the relationship with the oldest

The OP is worried her sister is hurting the relationship with the oldestReddit

He needs to understand that life isn't always the same for everyone

He needs to understand that life isn't always the same for everyoneReddit

The younger one needs a different kind of attention

The younger one needs a different kind of attentionReddit

The golden child

The golden childReddit

It's just causing direct issues

It's just causing direct issuesReddit

Your nephew needs you

Your nephew needs youReddit

Treat your kids equally

Treat your kids equallyReddit

Your sister apparently has a golden child

Your sister apparently has a golden childReddit

Although understandable, the mentality of defeating your kid just isn't beneficial. That's because you're playing the wrong part when you get into that fight. 

Don't start a fight with your kid because you already have authority over them as this will only lead to a pointless power struggle. Drop your thoughts in the comments below.
