Redditor Cleans Neighbor's Part Of Driveway Once, Now He Expects Him To Do It Every Time It Snows

OP did it the first time but after his neighbors didn't return the favor, he decided to stop doing it.

Redditor Cleans Neighbor's Part Of Driveway Once, Now He Expects Him To Do It Every Time It Snows

Living in a duplex can be a bit like having a shared backyard with your neighbors. Sometimes, it's all sunshine and rainbows, and other times, well, it's more like a storm cloud waiting to burst.

One Reddit user found himself knee-deep in snow and neighborly drama that would make even the most seasoned sitcom writer nod in recognition.

OP, a friendly chap, lives in a cozy duplex with his fiance. Now, duplex living usually means sharing a driveway, which is no biggie if everyone plays nice. But here's where the snowball starts rolling downhill, literally. OP's neighbors, despite having their garages, seem to have taken a liking to parking their cars in the driveway.

Now, OP isn't one to hold a grudge. He's tried extending the olive branch of neighborly love more times than you can count. Cookouts, yard work help, package deliveries—you name it, OP's done it. But alas, his efforts have been met with a resounding silence, like shouting into a snowstorm.

Fast forward to the Great Snowpocalypse of Nowhereville, and OP finds himself knee-deep in powder, quite literally. After a bout of shoveling, he decides to spread some goodwill by clearing his neighbor's side of the driveway.

Then, like a cruel twist of fate, another snowstorm hits. OP, being the responsible adult he is, plans to shovel after work. But lo and behold, upon his return, he finds his side of the driveway buried under a mound of icy misery while the neighbors' side gleams like a freshly Zambonied ice rink.

Now, here's where the plot thickens. On OP's day off, he valiantly tackles the snowdrifts on his side of the driveway but refuses to lift a shovel for the neighbors' side. Cue the dramatic knock on the door, and in storms, the neighbors, frostier than a snowman's heart. They demand assistance, citing OP's supposed neglect as the cause of their vehicular entrapment.

OP lives in a duplex with a single driveway that he shares with his neighbors

OP lives in a duplex with a single driveway that he shares with his neighbors

After a big snowstorm, OP shoveled the entire driveway but he didn't even get a thank-you for it

After a big snowstorm, OP shoveled the entire driveway but he didn't even get a thank-you for it

The day after, there was another big snowstorm

The day after, there was another big snowstorm

After another snowstorm, OP only shoveled his part of the driveway

After another snowstorm, OP only shoveled his part of the driveway

OP's neighbor started ripping into him for not cleaning the entire driveway

OP's neighbor started ripping into him for not cleaning the entire driveway

OP's neighbor told him that he needed to be nicer

OP's neighbor told him that he needed to be nicer

OP gave his shovel to the neighbor and went back inside

OP gave his shovel to the neighbor and went back inside

Time to stop doing favors

Time to stop doing favorsu/Kindly_Barracuda_377

Their driveway, their responsibility

Their driveway, their responsibilityu/SweeperOfChimneys

The entitlement is off the charts on this one

The entitlement is off the charts on this oneu/reddof

Wise words from this Redditor

Wise words from this Redditoru/Crazy_Past6259

Way too polite for his own good

Way too polite for his own goodu/hesterjones

Which side is at fault in this cold war? Is OP at fault for not raking the side of the driveway that faces his neighbors? Or are his neighbors going too far and not being appreciative of his earlier acts of generosity?

Even though the circumstances may have justified OP's actions, understanding and communication are essential to resolving disputes with neighbors. Perhaps having an open dialogue about respect for one another and shared responsibilities could ease tensions and avoid miscommunications in the future.
