Redditor Shares A Story About A Shogun Who Became The Cause Of Dog Overpopulation In Japan

Looks like he didn't have a back up plan.

Redditor Shares A Story About A Shogun Who Became The Cause Of Dog Overpopulation In Japan

Dogs have been domesticated for centuries, and during that time they've become an integral part of human society. Over the years, dogs have been used for a variety of purposes, including hunting, herding livestock, and serving as loyal companions.

But one of the most important roles dogs play is as protectors. Throughout history, dogs have been responsible for guarding humans and their property from harm.

Of course, not everyone feels that way about dogs. In fact, there have been plenty of people throughout history who have seen dogs as nothing more than nuisances or even vermin.

And believe it or not, there was once a time when dogs were considered property and had no legal rights. In medieval England, for example, stray dogs were often killed on sight.

It wasn't until the 19th century that laws began to be enacted that provided some protection for our four-legged friends. In 1835, the Cruelty to Animals Act was passed in the UK, making it illegal to mistreat animals. This act paved the way for other animal protection laws, including those pertaining to dogs.

In the decades since, a number of additional laws have been enacted in countries around the world with the goal of preventing cruelty to animals. Thanks to these laws, our furry companions are now better protected than ever before.

But even before such laws were passed, a certain shogun in Japan was keen on the protection of canines. It is none other than Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, who is also known as the "dog shogun."

Unfortunately, it seemed that he became overprotective of the dogs up to the extent that the country was overrun by them.

A Redditor shares their knowledge and links to the source on the "Today I Learned" subreddit.

A Redditor shares their knowledge and links to the source on the levisimons

Looks like it's not just the Edo period that was overrun by doggos.

At present, even some grocery stores have lots of dogs too.

Looks like it's not just the Edo period that was overrun by doggos.thesagaconts, complicationsRx, Downvote_me_dumba**, Dawnawaken92

Why did he protect dogs? Probably because we was born in the year of the dog.

Why did he protect dogs? Probably because we was born in the year of the dog.ATXNYCESQ, levisimons

Well, that's true!

Well, that's true!sprkng

One of the most intimate, peaceful, and close connections involving man and nature is thought to exist in Japan.

It is ingrained in Japanese culture to love nature wholeheartedly, care for it constantly, and responsibly convey this passion to coming generations.

One of the most intimate, peaceful, and close connections involving man and nature is thought to exist in Japan.sprkng, Waxenberg, kkyonko

It's not just about the dog. It's for all living things.

It's not just about the dog. It's for all living things.zioncat

Maybe? What do you think?

Maybe? What do you think?According-Classic658

A Redditor sees a similar problem in our present world.

A Redditor sees a similar problem in our present world.dmr11

When you think about the overpopulation of dogs, it's not just a problem during the Edo period.

Pet overpopulation is very much still a problem in the present day. Many dogs and cats are being sent to the already overcrowded pet shelters.

It's a sad reality that there are still way too many pets in shelters and not enough people willing to adopt them. Dogs and cats are the most common, but there are also rabbits, guinea pigs, and other animals that need homes.

The problem of pet overpopulation is twofold: there aren't enough people adopting, and there aren't enough people spaying and neutering their animals. As a result, animal shelters are overcrowded, and many healthy animals are being put down simply because there's nowhere for them to go.

It's a tragic situation, but there are ways to help. If you're thinking of adding a new pet to your family, please consider adopting from a shelter.

And if you already have pets, make sure they're spayed or neutered to help prevent more unwanted litters. Every little bit helps when it comes to solving the problem of pet overpopulation.
