35 People Share The Family Secrets That Shocked Them To The Core

Some of these secrets were definitely not meant to see daylight.

35 People Share The Family Secrets That Shocked Them To The Core

You can choose your friends, your coworkers, your lovers, your partners in crime, and even your enemies but you cannot choose your family. What you get is all that you're having and you're stuck with them forever.

That includes nostalgic happy childhood memories, reunions, and even not to so happy moments of quarrels with your siblings or parents. You're bound to those things forever.

One other thing you can't escape though is the family secrets. Every family is bound to have them and the difference only depends on the severity of it.

While some families might have secret recipes or secret treasures to their name, there are other families that can have secrets so dark that you might not even want to get to know them in the first place.

In that case, ignorance is bliss but since you're part of the family, you're bound to find out about it at one point or another. On Reddit, someone asked, "What 'family secret' did you learn that totally shocked you?” and surprisingly, thousands of people were eager to share the secret that rocked them to their core.

Perhaps they wanted to be released of the burden of keeping that secret and we get it. Whatever their reason is, they're certainly making us think about digging around about family secrets of our own.

Check out the best secrets below.

1. This is the sweetest response to this kind of secret

1. This is the sweetest response to this kind of secret[deleted]

2. The discussion on this must have been one of the most awkward they've had as father and child

2. The discussion on this must have been one of the most awkward they've had as father and childNovaNora

3. This is the kind of twist that probably explains so many things in life for that person

3. This is the kind of twist that probably explains so many things in life for that personbuddhatown


4. This is the kind of secret you bury with so much pain that you hope you'll never feel again

4. This is the kind of secret you bury with so much pain that you hope you'll never feel again[deleted]

5. We can only imagine how much their world made a complete 360 after the revelation of this secret

5. We can only imagine how much their world made a complete 360 after the revelation of this secret[deleted]

6. The sheer evilness and cold bloodedness of the act just gives us the creeps

6. The sheer evilness and cold bloodedness of the act just gives us the creepscasino_night

7. That is just so many levels of messed up

7. That is just so many levels of messed upmrssolo13

8. This is quite the amazing backstory for a bunch of pink towels

8. This is quite the amazing backstory for a bunch of pink towelsatomicpenguin12



9. We don't think this secret is something the whole family wants to know

9. We don't think this secret is something the whole family wants to knowO-shi

10. Sadly, the 80s really weren't the best times for the LGBTQ+ community

10. Sadly, the 80s really weren't the best times for the LGBTQ+ communityDoofusTinyRick

11. Maybe it's just a classic case of it runs in the family

11. Maybe it's just a classic case of it runs in the familyMarauding_Mel

12. Maybe this mom shouldn't have set too high expectations for their child about boos

12. Maybe this mom shouldn't have set too high expectations for their child about booslowridincsp

13. This situation is just so wrong on so many levels

13. This situation is just so wrong on so many levels[deleted]

14. That is not how you protect your children from harm

14. That is not how you protect your children from harmmyreputationme

15. This has got to be one of the worst fathers in the history of fathers. How could he do that to his own kids?

15. This has got to be one of the worst fathers in the history of fathers. How could he do that to his own kids?vampiresorority

16. It's not something you really brag about no matter how high your position was unless you wanted to get stoned in broad daylight after the war

16. It's not something you really brag about no matter how high your position was unless you wanted to get stoned in broad daylight after the warthaswhaimtalkinbout

17. This person's great uncle is very skilled at blending in with the normal folks it seems

17. This person's great uncle is very skilled at blending in with the normal folks it seemsmrmeeseeks8

18. These are the kinds of family secrets that is so worth it to reveal so you can just watch those horrible people burn

18. These are the kinds of family secrets that is so worth it to reveal so you can just watch those horrible people burncatbup

19. Risking children's lives won't solve the problems that you yourself created

19. Risking children's lives won't solve the problems that you yourself createdgayoblivious

20. Life was very selfish of second chances for this poor girl

20. Life was very selfish of second chances for this poor girlSpagattaca


21. Some parents should really learn to stop being hypocrites

21. Some parents should really learn to stop being hypocrites[deleted]

22. The bonus of this secret is a lot more surprising than the actual secret

22. The bonus of this secret is a lot more surprising than the actual secretFatherOf3-2Xs

23. Still, money is money and we hope this person's grandma bought something nice for herself

23. Still, money is money and we hope this person's grandma bought something nice for herselfnotstephanie

24. We hope they got what they deserved for doing something so cruel to a freaking kid

24. We hope they got what they deserved for doing something so cruel to a freaking kidXanitarou

25. It's both hilarious and adorable how this person never really figured out this secret for so long

25. It's both hilarious and adorable how this person never really figured out this secret for so longGumburcules

26. The desertion of this person's great granpa actually led to something good for the family

26. The desertion of this person's great granpa actually led to something good for the familyLuftwaffle88


27. Some of the sweetest persons on Earth can be driven to do a crime out of desperation for the people they love

27. Some of the sweetest persons on Earth can be driven to do a crime out of desperation for the people they loveharoldtitus425

28. Drawing this family's family tree might get a little messy

28. Drawing this family's family tree might get a little messyGabbi_RSL


29. This person's great grandfather has lived the life of so many people aside from his very own

29. This person's great grandfather has lived the life of so many people aside from his very ownFloradonna


30. Her experiences when she was younger might have been what led to her extreme beliefs in her old age

30. Her experiences when she was younger might have been what led to her extreme beliefs in her old agedrccmflb

31. This kind of secret is more disappointing than haunting to know

31. This kind of secret is more disappointing than haunting to knowDaughterEarth

32. This is actually a cool kind of secret to be revealed

32. This is actually a cool kind of secret to be revealedBlokie_McBlokeface

33. Sometimes, it's just not worth giving the benefit of the doubt to some people

33. Sometimes, it's just not worth giving the benefit of the doubt to some peoplelaterdude

34. There could have been a whole other family they could have known with that forgotten surname

34. There could have been a whole other family they could have known with that forgotten surnamejemmeow

35. The second secret here doesn't make any kind of sense. Why would they do that to the poor kid?

35. The second secret here doesn't make any kind of sense. Why would they do that to the poor kid?[deleted]

Sometimes, family secrets can be like Pandora's box. You'd want to know what it is and you'd be burning with curiosity but most of the time, it's better to leave that box closed and sealed unless you'd want to bear the burden of the secret.

But hey, none of these secrets have yet caused harm to the families, right? So, well, all we got to say is uncover secrets at your own risk.
