College Student Refuses To Share Room With Her Mom Just To Make Space For Her Brothers, Threatens To Move Out

"Once I move out my dad stops paying her child support"

College Student Refuses To Share Room With Her Mom Just To Make Space For Her Brothers, Threatens To Move Out

To begin with, there is nothing wrong with someone wanting privacy in their room, as that is very normal and healthy. In fact, everyone should have privacy in certain areas, such as the bathroom or the bedroom, as they are always assumed to be private.

The more privacy you typically enjoy as a kid or young adult, the more adults in your life should respect that and make sure you have access to all the knowledge and tools you need to make safe decisions for yourself. It makes sense that some parents may find it challenging to comprehend and manage privacy for their children.

OP's mom agreed for two of her brothers to stay in their three-bedroom home. The problem here is that she wants the OP to share the master bedroom with her, but OP refuses because she needs her privacy.

You see, OP's oldest brother, Bob, decided he was going to move back from out of state and wants to stay with them for about 6 months until he gets back on his feet. Her other brother, Chad, had been cheating on his wife for a year, and now they are separating.

Chad is moving back from out of state as well, and he needs a place to stay. OP's mom agreed to let her brothers come live with them without consulting her.

Read the entire story in the OP's own words below.

The headline

The headlineReddit/Successful-Shift3583

OP's brother are moving into the house

OP's brother are moving into the houseReddit/Successful-Shift3583

This is not fair to the OP

This is not fair to the OPReddit/Successful-Shift3583

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the AH:

I feel like I may be the AH because I am putting my mom in a tough spot either way. If I move out she will be in a financial hole. If I stay, then she will have to make her sons that don’t get along share a room.

Very good

Very goodReddit/Successful-Shift3583

Both of them should share

Both of them should shareReddit/Successful-Shift3583

The OP is paying rent

The OP is paying rentReddit/Successful-Shift3583

OP's not spoiled

OP's not spoiledReddit/Successful-Shift3583

OP added this edit later on

Bob is just moving back temporarily and trying to save up for a house. he will be paying rent. chad is still going to be paying half the rent for his ex and I think that is the right thing to do. as for child support going to me, i don’t have a relationship with my dad and I haven’t talked to him in about two years.

According to my research he is not obligated to pay it once I move out. I only pay my mom $450 a month and that also covers my phone bill but I give her random amounts throughout the month if needed on top of that.

OP's brother can pay her

OP's brother can pay herReddit/Successful-Shift3583

What a stupid law

What a stupid lawReddit/Successful-Shift3583

OP's dad pays child support

OP's dad pays child supportReddit/Successful-Shift3583

It sounds volatile

It sounds volatileReddit/Successful-Shift3583

The OP added another edit

The OP added another edit

Many Redditors say that OP's mom is favoring her sons and abusing her youngest child. Some even asked if they were under any pressure to behave and pay rent while residing in the house.

If at all possible, OP was advised to move into the dorms as she shouldn't be paying rent on top of her child support, which is meant to fund OP's living expenses. The OP was declared not the AH, and that's a wrap.
