Redditor Asks If She's An A**hole For Separating Her Twin Brother And Sister
"It's called looking out for the best interest of the child."
- Published in Interesting
Raising kids is no easy task, and when families become blended or separated, things only become more difficult. Reddit user u/No_Meringue4986 recently shared a story in the AITA (Am I The A**hole?) subreddit about her blended family.
The Redditor explained that her mother has seven children. Four are adults, and three are still minors.
The OP's mom recently lost custody of the younger children, so the Redditor's 17-year-old brother went to live with his dad, and her 11-year-old twin siblings came to live with her. The OP is married and has two young children of her own.
The Redditor says her sister is easy to take care of, and is very helpful around the house. However, her brother can be very difficult and badly behaved.
The OP says she doesn't blame her brother for his anger because he is clearly acting out because of his circumstances. But that doesn't make things any easier for the OP and the rest of the family.
They have put him in therapy, and OP's husband encouraged him to take up boxing as an outlet, but none of their efforts have helped much. So recently, when the OP's little brother was suspended from school, he spent some time with their uncle.
He had a good time with the uncle and seemed to be happier and more settled when he came back. So, after discussing it with the rest of the family, the OP decided to send her brother to live with their uncle.
But now the OP is having doubts about her decision because her older brother says she's an a**hole for separating the twins. Keep scrolling to see how people reacted.
The OP asked if she is the a**hole for removing her little brother from her home.
Reddit/No_Meringue4986She explained that her brother can often be difficult and badly behaved.
Reddit/No_Meringue4986After being suspended from school, the OP's little brother went to stay with their uncle and seemed to thrive while he was there. So they decided to send him there to live.
Reddit/No_Meringue4986Now the OP is wondering if she's wrong for separating her little brother from his twin sister.
Reddit/No_Meringue4986Here's how people reacted.
Reddit/bwiy75If everyone's happy, that's all that matters.
Reddit/CrustyJugglerz"Good on you for taking them to begin with."
Reddit/saggyunderpants"Do what suits him best for now."
Reddit/LhasaApsoSmile"It's all your mom's fault honestly."
Reddit/linariaalpina"Separating twins is only traumativ when they say so."
Reddit/elderoriensBeing a "single kid" might be just what he needs.
Reddit/Vegetable_Tourist829"You're doing the best you can."
Reddit/ivylass"For the first time in his life, your brother gets to be an only child."
Reddit/Feeling-Visit1472"You're doing the best thing for him."
Reddit/Impossible_Theme9180"You're placing him in an environment that he seems to thrive better in."
Reddit/Aggravating-Film-221"You need to do what's best for you all as a family."
Reddit/alwaysThinking28Let him know that his opinions matter.
Reddit/hi_itz_me_again"Always do what's best for the child in question."
Reddit/Helpmouseslc"Keep the lines of communication open."
Reddit/Emotional_Bonus_934"Just because they're twins, it doesn't mean they need to be together."
Reddit/Wonderful-Lie-650"It might be good for them to be apart."
Reddit/Many_Figure701What's your take on this situation? Do you think the OP should have kept the twins together, or did she do the right thing for her little brother and family, considering the circumstances?
We would love to hear your opinions on this. You can share your thoughts with us in the comment section.