Landlord Tells Of His Tenant's GF For Suggesting His Senior Cat Should Be Put Down For Harming Her Son
"His mother starts screaming that my cat is vicious, her son just wanted to play and that I need to put the old man down especially because she's trying to move in here."

Every pet owner loves their four-legged friend with all their heart and would never allow anything bad to happen to their baby. They are part of the family, and disrespecting them means disrespecting the family as a whole.
Even though some people adopt pets for protection, most of them would protect their animals with their lives if they had to. You make sure that nothing bad ever happens to your best friend, and they do the same for you.
Some people, unfortunately, allow themselves to disrespect and disturb animals for no reason. When the animal retaliates and fights back, they pin everything on them and claim that they have aggression issues of some sort.
A Redditor who goes by the username u/AITAMrMeow made a post on the r/AmItheA**hole subReddit where he explained how he banned a woman from his house for suggesting that his senior cat should be put down. The tenant's lease was about to end, and the user refused to renew it because of the comment.
The user got a lot of interesting reactions to his post. Scroll down to check out the full Reddit post, and scroll a little further to read the comments from the original post.
Here's the original post by Reddit user u/AITAMrMeow:

OP has a senior cat, Loki, who never bothers anyone.

OP modified the post to include additional info about the situation.

OP eventually added a second edit to update us about the situation.

Here's how the Reddit community reacted to u/AITAMrMeow's post:

According to her logic, she should also be taken to the vet.

The boyfriend has known it for a month but never told her.

OP should be expecting the worst.

Animals only attack after feeling threatened.

It's an "attention seeking" bite to request more attention.

OP should keep a close eye on his cat to prevent this.

She was completely clueless and overstepped her boundaries.

You can't blame the cat for defending himself.

"We would talk about how if we were in that position we would consider putting the dog down since he was in so much pain."

The boyfriend knows that the decision was made long ago.

The boyfriend can "backdate" the incident to plead his case.

OP's cat deserves peace and safety.

The girlfriend had no business telling OP that.

OP only wanted an outside opinion.

It's OP's property after all, and he has the right to choose who gets to live there.

Loki normally sleeps on the bookcase.

The girlfriend was acting way too entitled, and Op put her back in her place. She dared to say that Op's cat should be put down when her son was the one who provoked him out of nowhere.
The cat's reaction was perfectly natural, and the girlfriend should have apologized for her son's behavior. If you enjoyed reading this, please make sure to check out similar content on our platform.
