Restaurant Staff Reveal The Oddest Reasons Why Customers Sent Their Food Back And We Are Speechless

"Had some French Onion soup sent back because the guy said it tasted like an Italian made it."

Restaurant Staff Reveal The Oddest Reasons Why Customers Sent Their Food Back And We Are Speechless

You're gearing up for a big meal at a restaurant you've been dying to try. Just when you're about to have a taste of the soup, you notice a single strand of hair floating merrily, what do you do?

In a scenario like the one above, the best course of action is to call on your server and point out the problem. It can be inconvenient but you have to politely ask for a replacement.

If you send food back for a legitimate reason, you are not a "Karen." You are simply a paying customer who doesn't want to eat soup that has been contaminated by another person's hair.

That is not unreasonable or entitled behavior. There are still some cases when sending food back can come across as rude and will raise a lot of eyebrows.

If you're an unreasonable customer like the ones listed below, you will certainly get a lot of attention from fellow diners. The restaurant staff will also remember you and talk about you for a long time.

The customers below made their mark when they complained about their food for the most absurd reasons. Have you ever heard of someone complaining that their tomato soup tasted too much like tomatoes?

Well, you're about to read the most ridiculous reasons why people sent their food back at the restaurant

Well, you're about to read the most ridiculous reasons why people sent their food back at the restaurantBleepbloopblurph

1. How exactly are sesame seeds made from pork? Where can we find this fascinating animal?

1. How exactly are sesame seeds made from pork? Where can we find this fascinating animal?Bleepbloopblurph

2. That is some dedication to getting the full value of your money

2. That is some dedication to getting the full value of your moneyspookyhooch

3. The Jesus-like bartender who made "more" wine by using ice cubes to satisfy the modern-day Archimedes

3. The Jesus-like bartender who made Alwin_

4. Lady could have waited for a few minutes for the food to cool down but she's the ~customer~ and knows better

4. Lady could have waited for a few minutes for the food to cool down but she's the ~customer~ and knows betterTheNeighbourist

5. At that point, it would be better to let her boil her own water

5. At that point, it would be better to let her boil her own waterSeveral_Fennel_7878

6. Does she think vanilla comes from vanilla ice cream? Vanilla beans are not white, lady!

6. Does she think vanilla comes from vanilla ice cream? Vanilla beans are not white, lady!grannybubbles

7. It was supposed to taste like New York!

7. It was supposed to taste like New York!Cyborg_Huey

8. Ma'am, I'm blonde, our cook is bald, and you're the only one with long black hair but sure let me replace your pancake

8. Ma'am, I'm blonde, our cook is bald, and you're the only one with long black hair but sure let me replace your pancakelostinlovelostinlife

9. She probably thinks that corns are harvested already in kernels

9. She probably thinks that corns are harvested already in kernelsladyzephri

10. What an odd way to say you only eat bland food

10. What an odd way to say you only eat bland foodGermanmicrowave

11. Salmon is not a biblical king, Ma'am

11. Salmon is not a biblical king, Ma'amSoupmate1980

12. Your face and your energy are ruining the vibe of my food

12. Your face and your energy are ruining the vibe of my foodPrateTrain

13. Oh, what joy. Now they have to quarantine and close the restaurant.

13. Oh, what joy. Now they have to quarantine and close the restaurant.MagicPants710

14. What a staunch vegetarian this one is

14. What a staunch vegetarian this one ishufflepuff-princess

15. Was the okra spicy???

15. Was the okra spicy???Troygar85

16. Such a sophisticated palate

16. Such a sophisticated palateWyattarpski

17. The rancid flavor probably overpowered the cheese

17. The rancid flavor probably overpowered the cheeseaser2323

18. Ma'am, this is a Chili's

18. Ma'am, this is a Chili'sarai34

19. The secret to a happy marriage: loud croutons

19. The secret to a happy marriage: loud croutonsE_Plumbus_Unum

20. Those are the carrots of the Barney variety

20. Those are the carrots of the Barney varietyeatthebowl

21. Truly a man of the people

21. Truly a man of the peopleStracharys

22. She should try a cucumber salad next time

22. She should try a cucumber salad next timeNaterTater502

23. Compliments to the chef!

23. Compliments to the chef!--LowBattery--

24. This folks is a lesson on saying exactly what you want

24. This folks is a lesson on saying exactly what you wantLittleOrangeCat

25. What kind of chicken salad were they used to?

25. What kind of chicken salad were they used to?the_birdisblue

26. I would like for the mom to explain this to me extensively

26. I would like for the mom to explain this to me extensivelyblazinrainbo

27. The black pepper was too much spice!

27. The black pepper was too much spice!ricocavendish

28. I think this is how you get banned from entering Italy

28. I think this is how you get banned from entering Italyditchgordon

29. Is there a most sensitive palate competition going on? What is it with people tasting ethnicities and cooking appliances?

29. Is there a most sensitive palate competition going on? What is it with people tasting ethnicities and cooking appliances?elurei

30. *Shocked Pikachu face*

30. *Shocked Pikachu face*markhollings

31. This will ruin the aesthetic of their feed

31. This will ruin the aesthetic of their feedEffortAutomatic

32. Another way to get banned from Italy

32. Another way to get banned from ItalyShastaBeastRiley

33. I need medical professionals to study the third one. It could be a case study you guys.

33. I need medical professionals to study the third one. It could be a case study you guys.BassAckwardsme

34. That's the beauty of the English language

34. That's the beauty of the English languageInfamous-Habit-4860

35. Say it with a straight face that customers are always right

35. Say it with a straight face that customers are always rightBloodTingeEP

It's difficult to believe that there are people like these living among us. Who eats almost an entire chicken and proceeds to go to the cashier to ask for a refund?

This is why it's difficult to believe one-sided Yelp reviews. Customers can be horribly wrong but they're just too proud to admit it and stories like these give us a clearer picture of what restaurant staffs have to endure daily.
