Woman Faces Backlash For Brazenly Exposing Sister’s Secret Plastic Surgery To Unsuspecting Relatives During Family Gathering

“I might’ve embarrassed her, but truth was gonna come out anyways.”

Woman Faces Backlash For Brazenly Exposing Sister’s Secret Plastic Surgery To Unsuspecting Relatives During Family Gathering

Our narrator’s (Original Poster’s) elder sister always seemed to be plagued by mysterious ailments: a burst of rashes here and there, some joint pain, and non-stop complaints about feeling terrible.

It might be noteworthy to mention that OP’ sister had been diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease a year ago.

To OP’s dismay, her sister practically made this her entire personality since then. Every misfortune in her life—related or unrelated—was blamed on her diagnosis. Stubbed her toe? Hashimoto’s, late to an event?  Hashimoto’s.  

She chalked her unexplained bouts of malaise up to Hashimoto’s, but OP wasn’t convinced. The doctor explicitly stated she most likely had this her whole life; it couldn’t suddenly start causing problems now.

In fact, OP was quite sure she knew the real culprit— breast implants. Her sister got implants five years ago, and according to OP investigations, that was precisely when all the issues began rearing their heads.

If her sister chose to revel in denial, that was her call. OP was just sick of having to deal with the constant complaints. 

When OP’s family had some relatives over, her sister once again launched into the usual tirade of lamentations—OP couldn’t take it anymore. 

OP chose this moment to plunge her sister out of denial by revealing her implants were the real cause of her problems. This led to a heated argument, and OP’s mom even had to intervene.

She blamed OP for embarrassing her sister in front of everyone; the implants weren’t exactly public knowledge. 

Well, the truth was bound to come out somehow. Did OP do anything wrong?

Let’s dig into the details

Let’s dig into the detailsReddit.com

A bit of background

A bit of backgroundReddit.com

OP publicly embarrassed her sister, insisting that her regular illnesses are a result of her breast implants

OP publicly embarrassed her sister, insisting that her regular illnesses are a result of her breast implantsReddit.com

OP’s sister wasn’t having any of that. You best believe she gave OP a piece of her mind in front of the whole family

OP’s sister wasn’t having any of that. You best believe she gave OP a piece of her mind in front of the whole familyReddit.com

OP feels that she didn’t nothing wrong, but she needs a second opinion from the Reddit community

OP feels that she didn’t nothing wrong, but she needs a second opinion from the Reddit communityReddit.com

The post went viral, garnering over 5k upvotes and 3.2k comments. Let’s see what the Reddit community had to say:


“If you're truly concerned about her welfare then you would encourage her to go see her doctor versus outing her at a family gathering.”

“If you're truly concerned about her welfare then you would encourage her to go see her doctor versus outing her at a family gathering.”Reddit.com

“You shared your sister’s medical info, and you did it because you’re ignorant, which is a lousy reason.“

“You shared your sister’s medical info, and you did it because you’re ignorant, which is a lousy reason.“Reddit.com

“I mean, you’re not a doctor. You can’t diagnose her illness and you don’t know how she actually feels.”

“I mean, you’re not a doctor. You can’t diagnose her illness and you don’t know how she actually feels.”Reddit.com

“You’re not in a position to diagnose her or know the cause of her symptoms.“

“You’re not in a position to diagnose her or know the cause of her symptoms.“Reddit.com

“YTA You didn’t need to tell her that in front of everyone, and really it isn’t your business anyways.”

“YTA     You didn’t need to tell her that in front of everyone, and really it isn’t your business anyways.”Reddit.com

“You don't get to diagnose or claim you know better than her doctors. Because as far as I know, you're not a doctor.”

“You don't get to diagnose or claim you know better than her doctors. Because as far as I know, you're not a doctor.”Reddit.com

Redditors condemned OP for her insensitivity towards her sister’s condition. The community underscored how common it was for autoimmune disorders to lay dormant for a while, then follow-up with non-stop flare-ups.

OP definitely overstepped by revealing her sister’s personal medical information, and for a lousy reason at that. Apologies were definitely in order

Do you agree with this verdict? Let us know in the comments.
