This Couple's Cute Moment Was Photobombed By A Seagull And It Turned Into A Funny Moment Instead

Seagulls are pretty tricksy animals, and this just proves that!

  • Published in Funny
This Couple's Cute Moment Was Photobombed By A Seagull And It Turned Into A Funny Moment Instead

Does anyone else remember that trend from way back in, like, 2012, when it was super cool to photo-bomb other people’s pictures? There were so many different ways you could do it: from standing in a big group of people hoping they won’t notice you, to blocking the or thing they were trying to take a picture of, or, the most annoying, when someone handed you their phone asking you to take a picture of them, taking an ugly selfie of yourself.

While, retrospectively this sounds like a really lame thing to do, you have to remember, it was a different time back then. Some people, and animals, are still stuck in the past, and still enjoy a good photo-bomb, ten years after it was cool!

By now, we’re all familiar with the idea of golden hour (if you aren’t, it is that beautiful time of day in the evening where the sun is setting and there is the most gorgeous lighting). Golden hour is a great time for a romantic beach side walk, and you are able to take stunning pictures of the sunset, and each other.

That is what this couple did, and they were left with a reminder that this is mother nature’s world, and we are just living in it!

Australia is famed for being home to many creatures: some cute, like kangaroos and koalas, and others less so, like the abundance of snakes and spiders. But some, while perhaps less dangerous, are definitely more prominent, like seagulls.

Jace Spicer was at Dampier Beach in Western Australia having a romantic evening with his girlfriend. They were enjoying a stunning sunset beach walk and decided to have an Instagram worthy moment.

Spicer set up his phone in the sand, pointed it down towards the sea, and they went down to the water's edge to be cute in the golden hour. Rather than the cute photos they expected, instead, they had some surprise visitors that joined the shot.

Australia is famed for being home to many creatures: some cute, like kangaroos and koalas, and others less so, like the abundance of snakes and spiders. But some, while perhaps less dangerous, are definitely more prominent, like seagulls.Jace Spicer (via The Dodo)

While they played around in the water, a couple of seagulls decided to photobomb the romatic moment.

The seagulls wandered around in front of the camera, making sure that their good sides were in the frame. They also need the classic seagull thing, that is, constantly and consistently, squawking!

They didn't check the video until the next day when it was way too late to re-film the moment. Luckily, the couple has a good sense of humor!

Spicer told The Dodo:

“We honestly had no clue we were getting photo-bombed by a seagull. Totally oblivious.
We burst out into laughter re-watching the video, not believing our eyes [at] what actually happened. Every time we skipped back, we laughed even harder 'til we were out of breath.”

There are moments where it definitely looks like the seagulls are about to eat the adorable couple.

While they played around in the water, a couple of seagulls decided to photobomb the romatic moment.Jace Spicer (via The Dodo)

You can watch the full video below.

There are some moments when it is abundantly clear that this is mother nature's world, and we are all just living in it. Spicer and his girlfriend were hoping for a cute video of themselves, but it did not take long for them to realize that this video was way better.

They also couldn't help but be grateful the seagull wasn't interrupting a more personal and private moment. Lucky it was just a cute stroll on the beach, and not a once in a lifetime moment that you cannot re-film and definitely don't want birds ruining!

“We definitely didn't plan for a seagull to photo-bomb us. I turned to the girlfriend and said, ‘Imagine if I were trying to propose?’”

Walking around looking for some romantic photos and videos to ruin!

Seagulls have adapted to live with humans and really know how to make the most of it!


Of all the Australian animals, the seagull is not the cutest, and not the most deadly, but it is definitely the one that is the most likely to steal your chips. The seagull is also a prolific photo-bomber, which is exactly what this couple learnt the hard way.

Luckily, they were able to have a good sense of humor about it, and even more importantly, luckily the seagulls didn’t ruin the most important moment of their lives. Seagulls are not known for their manners, but that doesn’t mean they should be so behind on the trends that they think it is funny still do photo-bombs.

Luckily, it is still funny for animals to photo-bomb, but not cool for people too. Do you have a funny story of an animal photo-bombing you? Share it in the comments below!
